Chapter 34

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When Jade woke, the first thing she felt was pain. Every inch of her body ached like she was being slowly roasted above an open fire. Still, it wasn't the amount of pain she'd been expecting. In fact, she hadn't been expecting any pain, because she'd thought she'd be waking up in the Goddess' eternal fields. Was there pain after death? No one had ever told her that.

But, upon consideration, she didn't think she was dead. The smell of petrichor hung in the air and a breeze tickled her flustered skin. An open window? There was something soft underneath her head, and she was reclining. A bed. She figured she was probably still in the infirmary. Her gift slowly, painfully, staggered to live again. Everlee's mind was nearby, as well as the minds of some other people she didn't know. People who were sleeping – other patients?

The only way she could be alive was if Paige had come. Was that possible? Had Paige cared enough for her to risk everything and go to the castle? And if so, had Corbin allowed it? She doubted it. Did that mean she had risked his wrath? Had Ryleigh helped her? Did Ryleigh care? Stop. Her head already pounded like a pup was using her brain like a plaything. The last thing she needed was to add to the pressure on her skull by pondering questions she could never answer.

She was afraid to open her eyes. What if the blindness had remained? She could tell that all the silver had left her body. She didn't feel like she was entirely back to health yet, but the agonising torture had ceased. Realistically, then, her sight should have returned. Alright. Slowly. She opened her eyes into slits and was met with harsh light. It hurt, but it meant that at least she could see.


It was Everlee's voice, filtering loudly and painfully into her ears. She groaned and turned her head away. Everything was too noisy and too bright, and her head was on the verge of exploding. Where was Aaron when she needed him?

Her eyes opened again, squinting against the light. Everlee's blurred frame came into view, gaining a bit more clarity with every blink.

"Hi, there. Welcome back." Everlee smiled at her. She looked far more innocent than her demanding voice and usual harsh choice of words allowed. Strawberry blonde hair framed a face that had retained some of its youthful softness. How old was she? She should ask, once she had regained enough strength to speak.

"Gave us all a huge scare, you know," Everlee said. She walked to the nightstand and poured a cup of water from a jug. "Can you sit up a little? Hold up, I'll help. Let me get you another pillow first. There. Alright. Ready? Yes. Perfect. Just like that. Yes."

Jade gasped at every movement, pain shooting through her nervous system like silvered arrows from a crossbow, quickly and without mercy. The red-headed woman who had shot her came to mind. Who was she? Who had sent her? More questions she couldn't answer.

Jade tugged her hand free from under the covers. She was dressed in a nightgown. Who had dressed her? Everlee? Or Aaron? Probably Everlee. She pulled the fabric off her shoulder and looked at her skin. No scars, no bruises, no hint that she had been on the verge of death just hours before. Paige truly was a miracle worker.

"Here, try to drink." Everlee handed her the cup. Jade's hands trembled but she managed to wrap her fingers around the cup and brought it to her lips, taking a sip. Her throat was sore and everything she swallowed tasted like silver.

"How are you feeling?" Everlee asked. "Much pain? Paige took all of the silver, so I can prescribe you some painkillers if you want."

She nodded. "Please." Her voice was hoarse and scraped over her throat like a gardener overturning a garden.

Everlee nodded and walked to a cabinet halfway across the room. "I'll be honest with you," she said, her voice echoing through the room. "I thought you were done for. I didn't think Paige would show up, but she did. It was late last night. Brought a teleporter, and Alpha Ellis. It was a bit awkward when the king came in, but it went alright, I'd say. Paige clearly loves you very much. Nice woman, that. Ah. Here." She retrieved a bottle and took out a pill, then put the bottle back and locked the cabinet back up. "Swallow this. Should help you relax a bit and take the edge off the pain."

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