Chapter 50

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To Ellis learning about Alder's lack of action in Golden Dawn's battle against Midnight Moon was like losing a hero. He had trusted Alder. Had considered him not just a friend but an example. Part of him still did. He wanted to believe that this was all a misunderstanding. That Ryleigh had fabricated the files after all, or that someone else had forged them, or that it had been written down wrong, or any other explanation that would make more sense than Alder willingly and knowingly letting Midnight Moon get attacked.

He remembered that day very vividly. It was the last thing he thought about before falling asleep, and the first thing he thought about when he woke up. He had never been happier in his life than when he had Olivia, his fated mate, by his side, and the day he lost her had been the day his soul died inside of him. Liv had been his light, his heart, his love. She had been his world, and if Alder could have done something to prevent her from dying – the thought alone was too much to bear.

He arrived at the castle without an appointment, which was a first for him. He usually made sure to go through the proper channels, but etiquette be damned. He was going to speak to Alder, no matter what meeting he had to pull him out of. The king had some explaining to do and Ellis wasn't leaving until he had answers.

He was stone-walled at first. The king was a busy man. He had a council meeting. He had a schedule to keep to. They couldn't just allow everyone to walk in off the street and demand an audience. But Ellis was one of the most influential alphas and a particular friend of Aaron on top of it, and so the servants reached out to Alder to see if, perhaps, the king had a second or two to spare after all.

It took about half an hour, but then Ellis was escorted to Alder's study. His hands were clammy and shaking. He wiped them on his trousers, but that didn't help. It had been a long time since he had felt this incredibly angry. It almost made him sympathise with Ryleigh, who he had pressured to go into this very office to talk to Alder, after everything he had done to her. Perhaps he shouldn't have pushed her so hard to go.

"Ellis," Alder said, when he entered. He got up from his desk and walked over to him, extending a hand. Ellis shook it – he might be angry, but he had been raised too well to ignore common decency. "I must say I am a little surprised to see you. You do not usually come by unannounced. Please, sit." Alder moved back to his desk and sat down, gesturing for Ellis to sit down as well. Ellis moved closer, but didn't sit yet. He pulled the files out of his bag and placed them on the tabletop in front of Alder. Then he sat.

Alder's face paled when he realised what Ellis had just given him. He touched the folder, opening it, eyes scanning the first page. Then he closed it again. "I see."

Ellis wanted to say something. Something polite but firm. Something that would force Alder to explain what by the Goddess was going on, without at the same time being rude. There was no such phrase, and so he just looked at Alder, hoping that the man would offer to make sense of it without Ellis' encouragement.

"I have received word from several packs that they have received files much like this one," Alder said. "I assume the Shadow Walkers have sent them to everyone, and that some packs have simply neglected to inform me of it. I was afraid this would happen when they robbed the Royal Archive."

"They are real then? The files." Ellis could barely squeeze the words out. His chest felt like there was a rogue jumping up and down on it, and in his mind's eye he envisioned reaching across the desk and punching Alder in the face. He'd never wanted to lay hands on Alder before, but this was different. Nobody touched his pack; nobody hurt the people he loved. This was about family. This was about Liv.

Alder glanced at the folder. "Yes. I am afraid so. I can imagine you have questions."

Ellis wasn't sure where to look or what to say. His wolf was struggling for control. The animal wanted nothing more than to drag Alder over the desk and tear him apart. He wanted to yell at him, wanted to break bones, draw blood, make him feel a fraction of the pain Ellis was feeling himself. But that would only get him in trouble. Alder was untouchable. Ellis' heart rushed into his throat, then sunk. For the first time, he understood, to an extent, what Ryleigh had gone through all this time.

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