Chapter 13

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Humans were funny creatures. In some ways, they were a lot like werewolves, apart from the fact that, obviously, werewolves were vastly superior. Werewolves were stronger, faster, more disciplined. But if there was one thing at which humans were better than werewolves, it was war. Flip open any human history book, and you would find humans fighting against each other. Human bloodthirst was unparalleled.

In any case, walking around the market, seeing flocks of humans bustle about, it was difficult to imagine that these creatures could ever unite enough to wreak havoc. Of course, one might say the same about her own group of outcasts, and Ryleigh knew better than to underestimate these seemingly harmless creatures.

It was Ryleigh's turn to visit the market and get supplies. Parker had joined her in her endeavours, but they had split up to cover more ground. He was on the hunt for meat, while she was in charge of making sure there was some diversity in their diet. She had never been a fan of vegetables, but their human half required it every once in a while.

It was early in the morning, and though it was already busy, they had beat the real crowd. Ryleigh kept her ears and nose piqued while strolling around. It'd been two weeks since her great escape, and no one had reported seeing any Royal Wolves walking around. Perhaps Alder didn't expect them to hide in a human city, or perhaps he knew that the human king wouldn't allow him to patrol Hightower with werewolf troops. Or perhaps Jade had thrown them off their scent, though that was less likely. No, it was much easier to believe that Jade would help them understand the way they thought which would, sooner or later, lead them to Hightower. Jade wasn't aware of their property there – Ryleigh hadn't even been aware – so she wouldn't be able to lead them all the way to their front door, but she would know they were probably hiding somewhere they would draw little attention towards themselves.

Ryleigh moved her basket to her other arm, rolling her shoulders. It was unfortunate that Corbin wouldn't allow them to hunt their own food, but she understand his reasoning. There were woods enough around Hightower, but they were infested with human hunters, bandits, dark mages – all kinds of people a werewolf didn't want to run into. This was safer, though far more tedious.

It was the first time Ryleigh had to go to the market. She'd put it off as long as she could, unwilling to mix with so many lesser beings. Alas, everyone had to play their part and visiting the market worked through rotation, so sooner or later it was bound to be her turn. And today was the day.

She sighed and planted her elbow into the side of someone not moving fast enough. She was so bored that she felt a pang of disappointment when he threw only a few curses at her head and then barged away. She halted at a stall that sold milk and eggs and started bartering with the owner. If she was going to buy healthy things, she was going to get them as cheaply as possible, so there'd be more money left for meat and wine.

It was no small feat buying eggs for two dozen people, especially since Ryleigh knew how much they were prone to eating. She'd need to buy the entire stall. While she stood with her back towards the crowd, her attention was drawn to a group of memories that triggered her. They were memories featuring werewolves. More specifically, they were memories featuring the life of werewolf guards. Of Royal Wolf soldiers.

She paid the farmer for the four dozen eggs and carefully started arranging them into her basket, all the while shooting furtive glances over her shoulder. There was no one in uniform near, but Alder wouldn't have sent people in uniform, both because it would make the humans nervous, and because it would make her catch on to them quicker.

Armed with the eggs, she slipped from the stall, back into the sea of people. She drew her hair forward, so it covered the side of her face. She felt the urge to pull her hood over her head, but it was a beautiful day so not many people had their heads covered, which meant she would stand out more if she did than if she didn't. Her wolf pushed her to make a run for it, but that was about the stupidest thing she could do.

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