Chapter 48

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"Did you find what you were looking for?" Parker asked when he picked Ryleigh back up from town.

"More than that. I'll tell you when I can."

"I do hope you appreciate the great restraint I've been showing. You know I'm not especially patient."

She chuckled. "I know." A sideways glance told her he was looking at her, his golden eyes taking her in with their usual intensity. He was very much unlike Austin in that respect: Parker never missed a single detail, whereas Austin had always needed a second to see the signs. "I appreciate it."

"Good. And I hope you have a good lie at the ready, because Corbin's been looking for you. He wants us to go to Midnight Moon to give them their files. Well, he wanted to send them, but since you insisted on bringing them yourself, he wants it to happen today."

Ryleigh sighed. Like today hadn't had enough drama yet. She was emotionally drained, and now she had to return to Midnight Moon? Perhaps she should consent to sending the files without bringing them herself, but she wanted to see the looks on their faces, wanted to drive the point home. Wanted, as well, to see them. She hadn't seen them since she had retrieved her memories and she wanted to test if she could take it. If she could be around them without her heart crippling her.

"Park," she said, placing a hand on his arm and halting him before he could enter the shack. He stopped, turning to face her, his eyes darting down to her hand, then back up to her face.


"When we're at Midnight Moon, don't leave me alone with any of them."

'Any of them' was mostly Austin, but she knew he'd understand. He nodded, his free hand fluttering over hers.

"I won't leave you out of my sight. Not that I ever do." He smirked at her and pulled away, walking into the shack. "It must be weird to see them and not remember anything about them."

"Right. About that..." Ryleigh scratched the back of her head.

He stopped. "O. You unlocked your memories."

"Yes. A little while ago." She cast down her gaze, eyes trailing the cracks between the floorboards, and the weeds growing between them. Looking back up, she shrugged. "I can handle it."

His features softened. "I never doubted that. Let's tell Corbin that we're going."

"I'll go get the files," Ryleigh said, turning and walking to the corner of the room, where they had dumped their evidence after they had relocated. She didn't want Parker to think that she was going to have a mental breakdown at seeing her ex-mate or old friends. She wasn't. She would keep her head up and her face neutral, and no one would know that she was dying on the inside.

She had just tucked the files into her bag when Parker returned. "Ready?" He didn't wait for an answer, but took them right back to Midnight Moon.

Ryleigh's stomach clenched when the familiar clearing came into view. The place was infested with memories. She had spent so much time in each of those buildings – the hall, pack house, infirmary, school. Why were so many of those memories good?

Parker's hand settled on her lower back and she looked up at him. He raised his eyebrows slightly as if to ask whether she was still good to go through with this. She tipped up her chin. Of course she was good. She was a phenomenal liar. This was going to be a breeze.

"Every time I think we're rid of you, you come back."

Ryleigh twirled around to see Conall standing behind her. "Beta."

"I'd send you away, but I doubt you'd go, so let's go inside instead." He walked past them and headed towards the pack house without waiting for response. They trailed after him. "I see you brought your lover."

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