Chapter 37

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This was madness. Paige knew that. This was either going to get her killed or it would get her damned for all eternity. But what choice did she have? Corbin was going to drive them all to ruin. She saw that clearly now.

She had attempted to convince herself of the opposite. She had really tried to make herself see Corbin as he used to be – tough, but fair – but she found she no longer could. He was losing his mind to ambition and pride. There was nothing he would not do to get revenge, even if he had to lose his entire pack to get it.

It was a miracle he hadn't stopped her. True, Paige had gotten rather apt at hiding certain thought processes from Corbin, but he had been watching her more closely than usual, and she didn't think she'd get away with it. But she had, or at least it was starting to look that way. She was already in human territory.

She had left as soon as everybody was asleep, and had run to the nearest human civilisation. It had been a two hour run, but she hadn't stopped once. She had been sure that patrol would pick her up, or that Corbin would mind-control her to come back, but none of that had happened, and now she was dawdling inside the teleporter guild, waiting for a teleporter to be made available for her use.

She had stolen some clothes once she got to town and had nicked somebody's wallet so she could pay the teleporter. It was a hassle – far more of a hassle than if she had just asked Parker to take her, but that wasn't possible. He could have nothing to do with this, in case it went wrong.

"Good morning, Ma'am," a man said, approaching her. "Though I should say good night, really. Where will I be taking you?"

"To the Royal Wolves, please."

The man looked her over again, assessing her with a different gaze. He was undoubtedly wondering if she was a werewolf, and his previously amicable expression turned a bit more wary. But she had already paid and she had paid well, so he nodded.

"As you wish, Ma'am. Have you used a teleporter before?"

"Yes. I'm quite used to it."

"Good. In that case, I will take you to the Royal Wolves in three, two—"

The world collapsed, rearranged, burst into colour, then slowly settled back into darkness. In front of her, huge and menacing, stood the castle.

"Will you be needing me to take you back, Ma'am?" the teleporter asked. He was looking around him nervously, and it didn't take a genius to guess that he was terrified of having to wait in werewolf territory.

"No, thank you. I'm afraid this is going to be a one-way trip."

"Then I wish you a good day, Ma'am, and good luck."

"Thank you for your services." She had barely done speaking before he disappeared, leaving only a puff of blue smoke behind. She watched it dissipate into the chilly air. From the corner of her vision, she saw a couple of guards approach her.

The last time she'd been here, she'd had Ellis to do the talking for her, and she had Parker to keep her brave. Now she was on her own, and she had neither words nor courage. Perhaps she should have stopped at Midnight Moon first, but there wasn't time.

When the guards reached her, she tipped up her chin and faced them with all the appearance of bravery she could muster. "My name is Paige. I am a Shadow Walker healer, and I request an audience with King Alder."

She had hardly pronounced the words 'Shadow Walker' before the guards reached for their weapons. She didn't blame them. She was probably the most harmless of all Shadow Walkers, but they had no way of knowing that. Besides, she did know how to do some damage, if she was properly motivated.

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