Chapter 12

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It was another late night for Jade. Aaron had offered to let her stay in his room again, but she had declined. That was: he had been rather determined that she ought to stay with him, which had made her all the more determined not to. She wasn't sure whether it was Ryleigh's paranoia rubbing off on her, but she didn't know how much restraint she had when it came to sharing a bed with Aaron, and the last thing she needed was to get pregnant.

Since her hiding place – the tower – was no longer a secret, she resorted to bugging the soldiers guarding the entrance to the back of the garden into letting her go outside. Strictly seen, it wasn't forbidden to go outside, but both Aaron and Alder had made it very clear to her and Corinne that it wasn't advised.

She felt a little bad about defying their wishes, but that sentiment passed instantly when she read the guards' minds and realised that not half an hour earlier, the king had passed outside through the same exit. Talk about hypocrisy.

She stepped outside, tipping her head up to deeply inhale the night's air. She was glad she'd put on shoes before going outside. It was chilly and the grass tickling her bare ankles was bad enough. She had even thought to bring a robe to keep her warm. She'd have this insomniac routine down to a T before long.

Should she go find Alder? She was curious to find out what had him wandering the garden at night, especially since he was usually so adamant that no one ought to leave the castle after dark. Perhaps he had as much trouble sleeping as she had. With all the heavy decisions he'd made in his life, he was bound to be weighed down by his conscience. Well, if he had one, that was. From what she had seen of him, she thought he did, but from what he'd done all those years ago, she wasn't sure.

She ventured deeper into the garden and decided that should she come across him, she'd talk to him and pick his mind. If she didn't, she'd let him in peace. Let the Goddess decide. The garden wrapped all around the castle, so statistically there wasn't a huge chance of running into him.

She turned around the corner, heading towards the orchard on the side of the castle. Her instinct wanted to lead her to the oak tree that had come to symbolise her relationship with Aaron, but she didn't want to be reminded of her mate right then. She wanted a neutral place to clear her mind.

Fate turned out to be cruel that night. She hadn't passed between the first few trees of the orchard when she saw a dark, shadowy shape some way in front of her. Considering she couldn't read the person's mind, and that none of the other royals were known to be outside, it had to be King Alder. She sighed and though her feet urged her to turn back around, she pushed onwards. The Goddess had decided, and Jade was many things but not a heretic.

Alder looked up when she approached, surprise settling on his features. He was standing underneath a cherry tree, his hands stuck into his pockets, his bright eyes pinned to hers like he had stolen her gift and knew her thoughts. "Jade. What are you doing out so late?" He was still in his daily apparel. How was it possible to work this late every single day? Did he never grow tired? Or bored? And how did Corinne deal with her mate's schedule?

"I was about to ask you the same question, Your Highness," she said, inclining her head towards him. She paused at a respectable distance. A few rays of moonshine filtered through the foliage, casting a pale light on their faces.

"I suppose we have the same reason," he said. "The dark hours of the night give little distraction for those heavy of mind. Perhaps you will take a walk with me?"

She had half expected him to send her back inside, so the request caught her off guard. She nodded. "Of course."

"Splendid. Which way would you like to go?"

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