Chapter 45

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"Alright, what's going on?" Parker dropped himself onto the sofa beside Ryleigh, the wood creaking dangerously under their combined weight. Dust flitted up from the cushions. They were sitting in the shack that Ryleigh, Corbin, Rose, Acer, and Parker had claimed. There were five shacks in total, all located closely together, and they had spread out over them.

The shacks were primitive but well-kept. The furniture still worked, though everything was creaky and needed to be handled with caution. The mattresses had been ravished by moths, but with a bit of good will they were still useable. Well, a lot of good will, and even then it was like sleeping on the wooden bedframe. Ryleigh and Parker had taken to sleeping in their wolf forms, closely huddled together. For warmth, of course, and decidedly not because she liked to have him near.

"Nothing," Ryleigh said, gazing around her to make sure no one was eavesdropping. Corbin was out and about, and so were Acer and Rose, but you could never be too sure. Royce and Ivy had made it their personal life goal to sneak up on Ryleigh. They were always lurking everywhere these days. "Why?"

"You've been acting strangely the past few days."

"Define 'strangely'," Ryleigh said. "Most people would say strange is my default behaviour, so in that sense I suppose I have been acting naturally."

"No. Strange for you. You've been more distant, more guarded. You didn't join in the drinking last night, didn't add to the conversation, didn't laugh when Dawn punched Graham in the face. There's something on your mind."

Only Parker would have been able to notice that subtle switch in her behaviour. Well, Paige and Jade might have been able too, but they were traitors now. Parker was the only one left whom she could trust. "Because I didn't laugh? Perhaps I just have a more elevated sense of humour."

"You don't. What's going on?"

Ryleigh glanced him over. She couldn't tell him the truth, not until she had figured out what it meant. She wasn't sure Cerise being alive changed anything, and if it did, how much. Was she supposed to go find her mother? Was she supposed to drag her back so they could sentence her for deserting, or were they going to give her a second chance – and if so, was she going to re-join the pack, and if so, would they ever trust her again?

On the other hand, this was Parker. He wasn't going to believe a lie. He knew her too well. But if she told him the truth, Corbin would know about it, because Parker would definitely think about it. So that wasn't an option.

"There's something going on, but I can't tell you what it is."

He opened his mouth to protest, but then it dawned on him what she meant. "Alright. Is there something I can do for you?"

There was something effortless about their friendship. He knew her so well that he understood why she couldn't tell him without her having to spell it out to him. He knew her so well that he had immediately picked up on her change of mood, and he knew her so well that he had waited a few days to confront her to give her time to work it out on her own. He saw right through her and normally she would hate that, but not with him.

She leant her head on his shoulder. She could tell the action took him by surprise, but he put his arm around her regardless. His touch didn't give the same kind of comfort Austin's touch used to give her, but in a way it was better. Parker's touch was of a more familiar kind. When Parker was near, she felt safe and at ease. He had her back. Always.

"Convene outside on the clearing," Corbin said through their pack-link.

She drew back and rose from the sofa, turning to him. "I will tell you when I know more. Until then, don't mention anything to anyone. I'll try to act more like myself."

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