Chapter 31

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"If this gets us killed, I'll be pretty pissed off," Parker said. They landed in the centre of Midnight Moon. They were spotted immediately, even though there weren't many people out at that hour, and Paige knew it was a matter of seconds before everyone would know about their arrival. Her stomach contracted and she released a slow breath. She was nervous. She had never been to the castle and she was in no hurry to change that. But it was too late to second-guess herself.

"Noted," she said, and started walking towards the mansion, Parker in close pursuit.

"I hope Ryleigh knows what she's doing," Parker said. "She's been pushing Corbin's limits pretty far lately, first with Ellis and now this. We already started one revolution. I hope she doesn't start another one within the pack."

"She always knows what she's doing," Paige said, and she did her best to make it sound convincing.

The front doors were opened up before they reached it and they walked straight inside. Julie and Carry met them in the hallway, staring at her as though she was the dead rising. They were both wearing their night apparel, so Paige guessed they'd been linked out of bed for them.

"You're here!" Carry said, bouncing on her feet. "Does that mean you're going to heal Jade? Wait. Why are you here? Why not at the castle? Jade needs you! Like, right now!"

"Carry, slow down," Julie said, putting a hand on the girl's arm.

"Paige?" Ellis appeared from his office. Leave it to him to still be working at two a.m.

Paige grinned, looking him up and down. He looked a picture of perfect health. "Look at you, all healthy!" Julie and Carry stepped aside to let Ellis pass and to Paige's slight surprise, he hugged her. She was enveloped in his strong arms and chuckled in his chest, patting his back. "You are very welcome, Alpha."

He pulled back. "I don't know how I can ever repay you. You saved my life."

"Well, there's something you could do for me, actually. That's why I'm here. I'm sure you heard about Jade."

"Yes, of course. Is that why you're here? Aaron's in all states. She's dying, Paige. I don't know how long she has left. We've all been praying you would come, but we were starting to lose hope."

"So was I, but I'm here now, even though I'm terrified." The knot in her stomach tightened. "I'm really scared to go to the castle. What if they keep me there? What if they arrest Parker? If it weren't for Jade, I'd never even consider it at all, but I have no choice. I can't let her die." She shook her head, cutting off her ramblings. "Will you come with me? With you there, Alder probably won't dare to take me prisoner. You can vouch for us, right?"

"Of course," he said. "I mean, I doubt Alder would take either of you prisoner if you come to help Jade, but I'll vouch for you. Well, for Parker. He's the one with the warrant out."

Parker shrugged behind her. He shot Carry a smile, but she glared at him and raised a fist.

"Thank you," Paige said, breathing the words in a sigh. She felt lighter already. With Ellis to protect them, it should be fine. Right? "We have no time to lose. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, yes. Of course. Aaron will be so relieved."


Paige turned around to see Ridge standing in the doorway, panting slightly. He too, was in his night clothes, and his hair was sticking out in every direction. A grin slipped over her lips. "Ridge. I was hoping I'd see you."

He ran his hands through his wild locks, clearing his throat. "I, uh, I heard you were here. Going to save Jade, then, huh?"

"Yes. In fact, we're in quite a hurry. But it's good to see you. Perhaps you'll be here when we get back?" She raised a brow and held back a smile when his cheeks flamed red.

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