Chapter 41

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Jade had hardly finished getting dressed when there was a knock on her door. Isabelle hurried to open it, exchanging a few words with Mae.

"It's Prince Aaron, Ma'am," Isabelle said, looking back at her over her shoulder.

"Let him in," Jade said, nodding. June was still working on pinning Jade's hair up, whizzing around her with expert skill.

Isabelle opened the door further and Aaron walked in, flashing her a smile that made her knees turn to jelly.

"All done, Ma'am," June said. She bowed at Aaron, as did the others, and then they left the room, leaving Jade alone with him.

"Couldn't wait till breakfast to see me, could you?" she asked, batting her lashes at him. He grinned and drew her in, his hand slipping behind her head, burying in her hair. He kissed her and her wolf urged her to mark him right there, right then.

"I can never wait to see you," he said. "You know, I have been waiting days for you to say something, and I am rather puzzled that you did not."

"Say something?" Jade said. "Say something about what?"

"Your birthday."

Her head flinched back in surprise. "How –?"

"I asked you once, as inconspicuously as I could."

"You did? I don't remember that."

"Well, you might have been doing that thing at the time, where you stare at me and get lost in my eyes."

She breathed a laugh. "Is that so?"

"Yes. Especially in the early stages of our relationship, when you still had to get used to my blinding charms."

She put her hand on his chest and pushed him away. "Your ego is big enough to feed the entire kingdom." Sometimes she could hardly believe how cocky he was. It couldn't be healthy, though of course it wasn't a surprise. His entire life everyone had doted on him and told him how amazing he was. It was half a miracle he wasn't even more arrogant.

He smirked and there was that weak feeling in her legs again, and that fluttering in her stomach. Goddess – she did get hung up on his charms.

"In any case," he said, grasping her hand and tugging at it until she, grudgingly, drew nearer again. "Happy birthday, little one."

"Thank you. You know, I wish I would actually look a year older." She turned and gazed in the mirror. "Is twenty-four too late for a growth spurt, you think?"

He snuck up behind her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and resting his chin on the top of her head. "Probably."

"Shame." She cocked her head. The dress she was wearing did a good job at pushing up whatever she had in the way of a bosom, but there was no hiding the fact that she wasn't well endowed in the womanly curves department.

"You could have some of my arrogance, if you want," Aaron said. He lowered his head to her shoulder, trailing kisses over her skin. She leant back against him, grateful that his arms were holding her up. There had to be something wrong with her legs.

"No, thank you. I prefer humility. Besides, I don't have the looks to back up such cocky confidence."

"Cocky confidence? Why, you are sure pointing out my flaws today. But since it is your birthday, I will allow it."

"How gracious of you."

"I know. I am very forgiving. Now, I have racked my brain over what to give you, but since you reject all material things, I am rather at a loss." He spun her around. "Hence, I figured I would give you something far more precious: my time."

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