Chapter 23

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Jade walked into Aaron's study to see him surrounded by stacks of paper work. He looked up when she came in, lips curving into a smile.

"Such a sight for sore eyes," he said. He pushed his chair back and got up, circling around his desk towards her. Before she could respond, he had wrapped his arms around her, lowering his head to the crook of her neck and inhaling her scent. She buried her face in his chest.

"Rough day?" she asked, her voice muffled by the fabric of his jacket.

"Rough month." He pulled back, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, fingers tracing down her cheek. "I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have decided to help us. Without you, we would never have found Ryleigh."

"Much good that did us," Jade said. "She hasn't been in custody two days." She didn't add the thought that followed: that she was glad Ryleigh was out of prison. She knew it was a set-back, but seeing Ryleigh behind bars was more than she could bear. Nor did it help that Ryleigh hated her with a passion. I hate you. She'd spoken the words with such conviction. Jade's heart clenched every time she thought about it.

"It did do us good. You lifted Corbin's manipulation. If you had not, Ryleigh would never have gone against him to let Paige heal Ellis. Their relationship is already withering. She might take a stand against him."

"But that does not mean she will stand with Alder. Quite honestly, I don't see her being capable of burying the hatchet. She's carried that hate with her for so long, I don't know if she even knows who she is without it."

He twirled a string of hair around his fingers, nodding. "Perhaps you are right. But I also recall you telling me that there is nothing more important to Ryleigh than her people. Perhaps to save them, she might do things she would not otherwise do. She might surprise us yet."

"You are more optimistic than I am."

"It is too easy to assume the worst. There are already so many bad things going on, I do not think I have it in me to see this negatively. I might lose hope."

Jade smiled, but it wasn't a convincing smile. She respected his optimism, but she wasn't sure how realistic it was. He was right in saying Ryleigh might surprise them – she was known to do the unexpected – but Jade had little hope Ryleigh would strike a deal with Alder. Too much had happened, and too much time had passed.

"Do you know what might help get your mind off things?" Jade said. "Going on a run with me."

His brows met over his nose. "Jade –"

"No, hear me out." She pulled away from his touch and raised both her hands. "I know you think it's not safe out there, but it's as safe as anywhere. They can get to us inside as well. You know that. But they won't, because that's not part of their plan. They don't want to kill us – ultimately, yes, but not now. Not yet. So there is no reason to hide. Besides, I know my guards can't keep up with me, and to be honest, I don't want to take them with me in the first place, but you can. I mean, you're not as fast as me, clearly, but not many people are."

"That right?" he said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, despite the concerned wrinkling of his brow.

"Yes. I'm like the wind. But you're pretty fast too. You proved that when we met. And you know, that was the only time I've ever seen your wolf, and I don't think you've let him out since. It's a bit cruel, Aaron."

"Cruel?" He cocked a brow. "He is used to it."

"That doesn't mean it's alright. Your wolf needs to get out every once in a while. There – look, your eyes are turning lilac. Clearly, he agrees with me. Come on. Just a quick run." She took one of his hands, gazing up at him with what she hoped was a look of innocence.

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