Chapter 4

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Jade tried to counteract her father's magic, both to free herself and to free the guards, but it was futile. She wasn't strong enough. Her hand trembled, her knuckles white due to the force with which her fingers were bent around the hilt. Was Corbin going to make her slit her own throat?

Corbin had never been one to show emotions – Ryleigh got that from him – but Jade had always been able to read beyond that façade of neutrality. Not that day. If he had any regrets at all, if it hurt him that he was doing this to her, there was no evidence whatsoever in his micro-expressions or eyes.

After Ryleigh's dramatic statement, Corbin turned briskly and made for the exit. Parker dawdled just a second, then followed him. A deadly silence fell over the courtyard, interrupted only by some gasps and suppressed sobs from the more easily scared among the audience.

Ryleigh did not follow Corbin as swiftly as Parker did. She lingered in front of Jade, who was still pressing the wretched weapon against her sensitive skin. She stepped closer, leaning in.

"You could have taken him," she said. Up-righting herself, she gazed at Alder and tipped her index and middle finger to her head. Then she turned on her heels and barged after the others.

They disappeared from the inner ward as easily and soundlessly as they had appeared, and still nobody could move. Jade worked her magic, utilising every trick that Malcolm had taught her, but the knife would not lower. Only when her kin had left the premises did a tremor shoot through her and all the others alike, releasing them from Corbin 's spell.

The knife fell and so did she, sagging to the floor. Aaron was beside her in less than a second, dropping to his knees. He threw the knife out of her reach and wrapped her in his arms. He pulled her so close that her lungs were squeezed empty, and her gift rushed into silence. She sucked in air, again and again, her breaths coming in quick pants. It dawned on her only then exactly what had just happened. Aaron's fingers burrowed in her hair, his breathing heavy. He fed her his panic through their bond, and she knew how afraid he had been. With him holding her so close, she could sense how he trembled, and she put her arms around him best as she could.

"I'm fine," she said, her voice hoarse. "I'm fine."

The audience found their voices again, loud and eager chatter rising up from the benches.

"Your Highness, Ma'am, we need to escort you inside," a guard said. Shadows fell over them and more guards approached. Aaron got to his feet without letting go of Jade, pulling her up alongside him. He let her go then, just enough for her to be able to walk, but he made sure his hand was tightly wedged in hers.

Within seconds, they were surrounded by half an army. Alder and Corinne had been ushered inside already, Aaron and Jade closely behind. The audience grew louder and louder, and so did the guards, dozens of excited voices screeching a crude harmony. When the door slammed shut behind them, muffling the sound, Jade felt like she'd gone deaf.

She allowed Aaron to drag her through the castle. She had no clue where they were going, nor did she care. Her throat hurt but there was no blood on her fingers when she caressed the sore spot. Corbin had let her live. He had let everyone live. It was odd. She would've thought that her father would at least have killed the guards, if only to make a statement. The whole thing, derogatory though it was, had been rather peaceful, which wasn't usually his style.

The company trailed up the stairs, and Jade realised they were heading into one of the towers, the one which housed the council room. The councilmen were already gathered there – all six of them. Jade had spotted some of them at the execution.

Aaron guided her towards a chair and put her down on it, even though she would have preferred to stay on her feet. He crouched down in front of her, cupping her face in his hands.

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