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Osiris POV

"You can't keep doing that Ozzie." My little brother's voice sounded like an annoying bird that wouldn't stop chirping repeating the same annoying song over and over again. Every second was something, I swear the boy couldn't keep his mouth shut for more than two seconds. It was a miracle he found the time to breathe.

"You're going to scare her away with all that dark ominous shit you have going on. She's not what you'd call confident."

I looked up from the form I was scanning  and moved my sights over to Desmond who sat in the chair across from the desk.

"And that's why she's not my mate."

Desmond scoffed looking away from me. "So that's why you checked on her enough times to stink up the hallway yesterday." He gazed over to me narrowing his eyes. "Because she's not your mate?" Annoyance and amusement laced his words.

Dropping the form I leaned back in my chair, my fingers weaving together as my hands rested against my chest. If he thought he'd proven a point, he hadn't.

So, I checked up on her, so what? I was an alpha. Checking up on my pack members was engrained I'm me, if he thought I wouldn't make sure she was okay he was delusional.

"If you're only going to bother me you know where the door is." I didn't have the energy to entertain such a conversation and Desmond knew that. Why he wanted to hold it still left me beyond confused, he was never one to hone down on such a thing.

"Ozzie, do you hear yourself right now?" He stood up pressing his hands on my desk as he leaned forward.

I sat unfazed. Desmond had a temper all his life and his outbursts never made me blink twice. He'd learned how to control his anger, I had made sure of it, though he still had his moments.

"Not with all your talking. It doesn't leave me with much silence to hear my own thoughts let alone listen to my own voice."

Desmond growled his brown eyes brightening gold with irritation.

"She's your mate Osiris! Your mate, not mine, yours! I don't feel comfortable walking around telling the pack that she's mine."

A quiet growl seeped from my lips at his claim of Seraphina being his. She wasn't and I hated the part of me that ached to touch her again. I wanted to dig my teeth into her neck and show her off as mine, but I couldn't.

"See! You want her. You might say you don't, but I bet your wolf begs to differ." He smirked when my scowl grew. Screw him and his way of egging me on. What the fuck did he want to prove?

"Is there a point to all the hot air that's coming out of you?"

"There are people in the pack talking. They think she's my mate."

"Good" I shot back picking the form back up uninterested.

"Good? No, this isn't good Osiris. She's not my mate. I can't continue this facade. You need to tell her." He demanded.

I slammed my palms against my desk standing to my full height my patience hanging on to a single thread. How dare he order me around. He knew I had my hands full right now, so why argue with me?

"If I claim her as my own, what's going to stop other alphas from just killing her to get to me. She's an attachment I don't need."

"If she is a weak link because you think security isn't tight enough then that's a you problem. Humor me for a moment brother and don't lie to me when I say, you aren't upset with the attachment your terrified she's wolf-less."

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