41 • Repulsive

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Osiris POV

It's getting too close to home. Alphas we're getting too bold. They were crossing lines not meant to be crossed.

I thought I knew what rage was but I had been wrong. Nothing in my life time had ever made me feel like violence was the unquestionable answer to me problems. It didn't even take Aspen saying her name completely before my other half just about lost all control.

He did loss control... I had struggled to control him, that beast side of me.

It wasn't bad enough that he was already sensitive and overwhelmed by her. She didn't take the news of us being mates well. I didn't think it'd be a walk in the park and I prepared myself for her disappointment but it never crossed my mind that she'd be infuriated.


Phina was always so quiet and calm when it came to most people. She allowed Ivy to drag her along to do just about anything. She'd let Desmond take her places without any push or shove back; there was no hesitation or second thought.

Yet, when it came to me I got reprimanded for everything that I said or didn't say. Nothing was ever good enough. Somehow I was able to piss her off with ease even when I wasn't trying to.

But could I blame her.

My wolf continues day in and day out bombarding me with hatful speech. He was fed up with my behavior. He wanted me to beg on my hands and knees for her to forgive me and move on.

As if it were that easy.

Phina was sweet but she wasn't afraid to tell me off. She really wasn't afraid to tell anyone when they were morally wrong. Correcting poor values and morals came natural to her; something I routinely overlooked.

"People are being killed because of me? I- I got people killed. This proves to me all the more reason to leave."

Her words stung me back to reality. Phina tugged at her hair as she squeezed her eyes in despair. That made two of us because my throat felt as though it was closing in on itself. She was leaving? She was planning on leaving? Had I screwed up so bad as to scare her away?

I grimaced at the perfectly logical possibility.

I couldn't blame her.

"Leave?" I breathed. "You want to leave?"

Phina paused letting go over her hair. Her hand dropped slowly down to her sides as she eyed me with annoyance.

"That's what you took from that?"

Her irritated voice sounded in my head. All I could do was blink as I processed what I had done wrong this time.

"No one is dying because of you, there's more to this than you know. But that's not what I want to take about right now." I took a step toward her, when she didn't retreat I took that as a good sign to take another greedy step closer. "Why do you want to leave?"

"You can't tell me this all has nothing to do with me. You can't honestly think I'd believe that. I don't even know why I'm listening to you anyways. You'll spit out more lies." She retorted.

I watched her closely as she bit at her bottom lip breaking off a loose bit of skin. Her eyes were scowling but her eyes deceived her because hidden beneath the hard exterior she was terrified.

"I'm not lying." I tried to reassure her. She shook her head in denial.

I was taking a gamble when I reach out and grabbed her arm pulling her closer. Phina pulled back to free herself but it didn't matter, I wasn't letting go, not until she listened to me.

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