42 • Blame

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Seraphina POV

I didn't know why I tried to talk with Osiris. I blame the voice in my head that wouldn't stop chanting at me to help my mate.

Help him with what? He was an alpha werewolf for crying out loud. The only help he needed was emotional therapy.

Now that I look at it maybe I'm the one that needs therapy. All this pack and forth with Osiris was driving me mad not to mention the voice in my head.

Was I becoming schizophrenic, or was I just clinically insane? Because who in their right mind listens to the voice in their head screaming at them to help someone that's done nothing but twist their emotions into a knot. Talk about insanity.

Leaving in the spring was still my goal, it felt like years away but it was really only three. It didn't matter when spring arrived though, not when my moms was made up. I wasn't changing my mind. Leaving was the best option for everyone including me.

At least I convinced myself of this, regardless of the sickening feeling that boiled my insides. Andy's tried to keep a smile on my face and mind face from Osiris but there's only so much he can do before I'm spiraling down into my depression.

The days were blurring into one another. My routine barely changed unless Ivy physically dragged me out of the cabin. The memory flashed before my closed lids as I laid in my empty bed.

"You know I only agreed to this because it got me out the house." I admitted ducking under Ivy's swinging staff.

I was getting better. I guess the hours I had put in had started to pay off not that it was much to marvel at. If I were made to compare my skills to Aspen's, mine where nothing but dog water.

"And who's fault is that? Osiris made it pretty clear that you're free to do as you want." She reminded me.

How could I forget? Osiris made it openly obvious that he led the door open when it came to me doing what I wanted and when. He didn't ask questions or stop me much to my surprise. I think he truest wanted to make it more difficult but one look from Andy he decided otherwise.

Andy and Osiris weren't the biggest fans of each other, though I didn't exactly mind that. It helped me keep a level head, if I could even call it that.

I looked over my shoulder to where Andy sat bundled up on a wooden bench. The over-sized puffer coat he wore made him look like a marshmallow. I guess that expected when you borrow a werewolf's clothes. It was still nice of Desmond to offer up his coat, not that he really needed it after all.

Honestly, I was surprised I was shivering from the fridges temperatures. I must have gotten acclimated much quicker than I thought I'd be able to. There was a reason why humans didn't thrive this far up in the mountains, and why werewolves thrived.

Andy sneezed catching my attention from my running thoughts. "Andy, why don't you go inside? It's freezing out here and it looks like you're catching a cold."

Andy sniffed before whipping his nose with the back of his glove. "N-no I w-wanted to hango-out with you." He shivered.

The poor guys entire face was a red as a cherry tomato. It was a wonder he hadn't gotten snoot frozen to his face.

"I think it's best you head inside."

"No, Sera I-I wanted to come a-along with you to J-Jensen's after t-this."

I held my hand up to stop his objection. "When I'm finished up with Ivy I'll come get you. Now go inside before you get frostbite or something worse."

Andy hesitated glancing his eyes from the cabin and us before reluctantly leaving. It was for the best.

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