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After Jordan cleaned me up, I dressed myself up in the pretty dress he has for me

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After Jordan cleaned me up, I dressed myself up in the pretty dress he has for me.

(A/N the one in her aesthetic board)

I look in the mirror, a stupidly big smile on my face. Jordan takes my hand in his and lets me do a pirouette. He's adjusting his own suit and I must say... he looks like he rules the world.

"You look absolutely stunning, baby." I blush and shake my head, hiding my face in my curls. He kisses my hair. 

A knock on the door sounds, revealing Elijah when it opens. "Hi, sweetheart. Wow, you look beautiful." He eyes me up and smiles. 

I kiss his cheek. "Hi, sweetie. Has the bal started yet?" He nods and smirks. "Yeah, people are dancing. We need to leave in a minute. But first..." 

He reveals something from besides his back, making both him and Jordan grin. I roll my eyes. 

It's the egg thing again.

"Seriously?" He nods and chuckles, giving it to me. "Be a good girl tonight, Scarlett. And you might get rewarded."

I blush at his words and look down at the egg. It's probably just a warning anyway...

Elijah closes the gap between us and bends down to whisper something in my ear. "And this time, you fucking keep it in."

He leaves at that, followed by Jordan. I gulp with wide eyes. I'm not risking a strike, so I walk to the restroom.


I get out of the car.

We're parked at the office, where the bal is. Owen helps me with my dress and offers me an arm. I contently take it and smile at him.

Noises behind us make me look behind me. Aaron and Ethan are glaring at each other, Elijah is rolling his eyes and Jordan sighs. "What's going on here?" I ask.

Ethan quickly slips beside me and takes my other arm. Aaron's jaw drops. "You fucker! It's my turn!" And he pushes Ethan away, stealing my arm.

I cock an eyebrow. Are these my mafia men? Wow.

I look at Owen, who's softly smiling at me. "At least I am not such a pick me," he grins and kisses my cheeks.

Whipped. Completely whipped.

Elijah sighs and jogs to walk in front of us. "Sweetheart, maybe you should be warned. There might be some paparazzi in there." He tilts his head at the office building.

I shrug. "I don't believe that'll be a problem. You'll stay at my side anyway, right?" Aaron scoffs at my right. "As if I'd ever leave you alone."

Ethan grunts something and walks away, his hands clenched in fists. I sigh and roll my eyes. "He's so needy," I whisper to Aaron. He nods, agreeing with me. "Yes. Yes, he is. I'm a better option."

Jordan scoffs at that behind us, making me smile at him. "Are you jealous, Jordy?" He grins and pulls out his phone.

"Nah, I know I'm better than Aaron. That's not really hard," he shrugs and does something on his phone. "Are you, though?" I grin.

He slowly looks up at me. He doesn't say anything, just cocks an eyebrow and presses some buttons on his phone. My eyes widen when the egg thing inside me starts to vibrate. Shit. I should've known.

"You were saying, baby?" He smirks at me. I shake my head, biting my lip. "N-nothing." He nods in approval and puts it off again.

Owen winks at me. "I'd be careful with these four. But I'm a safe place, don't worry." I smile and give him another kiss. Aaron huffs, but doesn't say a thing.

We walk in. The place leaves me mesmerized. Everything is decorated, from the floor to the ceiling! With open mouth, I watch it.

Jordan walks up close behind us, placing a hand on my lower back. Elijah turns around and smiles at me. "Are you ready, sweetheart? In this and three seconds, everyone will know."

I nod, yet a little nervous. He steals my hand from Owen, who doesn't seem to mind. He just shifts his hand on my arm. I smile. Such a sweetheart.

The large doors in front of us open, revealing a grand ballroom. Ethan is in the middle of it and turns around, eyes immediately finding mine.

"... Ladies and gentlemen, Scarlett."

I blush when we walk in and I realize all the eyes are fixed on us. I recognize some of my ex-classmates. But most of the people, I have never seen in my life.

My eyes dart back to Ethan. My eyes widen when I realize who he was talking to.


She looks at me with jaw dropped and eyes shocked. I swallow. "This wasn't part of the deal," I hiss to Jordan. He groans. "I didn't know she'd be here. But I guess we'll have to tell her."

No shit. But I nod and smile politely at everyone we pass. 

This is so awkward. Everyone is staring at us and the room is silent. Ethan extends his hand, smiling, and I take it. He pulls me in at his side, the others coming to stand behind us. 

"This is our Scarlett. Meet the mafia queen."

A gasp comes from the crowd, but it quickly changes in applause. I blush and hide my face in my hands. I'm not used to the attention.

Mom walks up to me. I notice Asher running past her, giggling, straight to Owen. "Hey, my big boy!" Owen grins and picks him up.

I smile at them before looking back at Mom. She looks at me, waiting for an explanation. I sigh.

Conversations fill the room again, relieving me. At least I'm not the center of the interest anymore.

"Mom, I—" "Five boyfriends, Scarlett? How could you keep this from me? So, which one is the sweetest?" A smile breaks through on her face, letting the weight on my shoulders disappear.

"I already know Owen, of course. And so does Ash! Oh! I know that one!" She points at Aaron. "He was one of the friends you stayed with! Oh..." She winks at me.

My cheeks heat. "No! No no no!" She nods and grins. "Sure, sure. But I still don't know their names. We have Owen... those two looks alike. Are they brothers?"

She nods at Jordan and Elijah, whose eyes widen. They don't say anything, though, leaving it up to me to decide what I want to tell her. "Um, yeah. That's Jordan, that's Elijah. They're brothers. That's Aaron and I guess you already talked to Ethan," I finish.

She nods. "Ethan is nice." Ethan smiles, proud of himself. Woah, he played this nice.

Ash giggles from somewhere behind the guys. "Owie! Don't do that!" I look at them and see Owen took his nose again.

Asher looks at me and sniffles. He reaches for me. "Lettie! I can't smell the cookies anymore!" he cries. I frown and set him on my hip.

Mom gives Owen a stern look. Owen, who quickly pats Ash's nose. "Here you go, big man. I won't steal your nose again. It looked nice on me though, didn't it?"

Ash sniffles, but nods. Mom wipes his tears away. "I'm going to put him into bed. He just wanted to see Owen and you again," she smiles. I nod. "Yeah, it's already a bit late. Bye-bye, Asher. Sweet dreams," I smile at him.

"I'll be back," Mom beams and walks out. Elijah kisses my knuckles. "Sweetheart, I am low key mad at her," he tells me. I raise my eyebrows. "Oh?"

He scoffs. "I do not look like Jordan, do I?" He pouts. I giggle and pat his his head. "It's okay, that's nothing bad."

Jordan smiles even more. "And that's how I know you love me, baby."

I sweetly smile at him and walk to the table full of champagne glasses. "Let's have fun tonight!"

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