Scary movies and Strawberries

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AN: Hello! This is the first chapter of my new story! For anyone who is looking for updates about Leila's light will most likely not find them here! I'm so sorry, but for now, I will be posting less Leila's light because I have to balance the two out! Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoy this new story!

"I wish i would've stayed home today," I groan rubbing my temple. Rune punches me in the shoulder. I wince at the pain and rub it as he says "well then who would I copy off of to get my perfect A's?" Only my fucking brother would be more concerned about his grader than me feeling well. 

He's been copying off me for the past two years in English, as the freshman and sophomore classes were too easy for me I took junior literature last year. And now I'm taking senior literature this year. 

Before he started copying off of me Rune almost failed both freshman and sophomore and freshman English. My mother always jokes "I'm not sure what happened to you both. I got one extremely smart kid and one completely stupid." Of course, she doesn't mean it completely but we all know what she means.

 Although I have perfect grades and am in almost all AP classes it's supposedly 'not enough' as my principal claims. I guess I have to be more social and participate more in school-wide sports. Because of that, I started going to my brother's basketball games more. 

I actually enjoy them quite a bit. But the worst part is seeing all the girls drool over my brother and his best friend Hayden. Fucking Hayden Rai. Just because a guy is 6'7, has abs, and plays basketball does not make him attractive or a good guy. 

I bring myself back into reality as the test has begun. I finish before the bell so it gives me enough time to pull out my tattered and completely worn copy of The Iliad as it is one of my favorite books. I think it's really overlooked compared to The odyssey. I can admit The odyssey is still a good book. 

But why would you read the second book of a series before the first? As the bell rings, I get my stuff together and head to my locker. I have AP biology next, great. I normally like bio but it's not as great when I have to be lab partners with Oscar Clement. He does absolutely nothing besides ask me out then when I repeatedly say no he angrily stomps away and flirts with other girls. 

After reviewing more on RNA formations the bell finally rings and i rush out. It's finally the end of the fucking day. After changing in to my pajamas and fishing up my homework i decide to go visit my cat, Ivy. Perusal she is curled up on the couch and so I put on some scary movie as I bake. Scary movies are one of my favorite things, I have the adrenaline they build up. 

I decide to make some chocolate chip cookies. As the cookies are cooling i hear the door slam open then close. THe tossing of shoes as my brother and Hayden walk in. I dont care what Hayden thinks about me but it is still a little embarrassing when he walks in while im wearing my extremely oversized comfy and sweatpants. 

Rune rushes over and gives me a hug. I almost vomit. I back up "ew ew ew! Do not touch me you are dripping in sweat and smell like shit." Hayden and Rune both laugh before Hayden grabs a cookie and says "aww chocolate chip my favorite! Thanks Sera." He winks and raises his eyebrow. He knows i hate it when he calls me that. 

Rolling my eyes and grabbing a cookie i go upstairs to my room. I see my phone light flash as i get a notification. My stomach instantly gets butterflies as it's my unknown boy. I understand that it seems weird that i've been talking to a guy for over a year when i don't even know his name. 

But we have a level of trust that is hard to describe. He doesn't tell me his name and I don't tell him mine. We text and call a lot but never facetime. Hey, how was school today? I smile, at least one person in my family cares to ask about it. 

I finally texted back, boring, as usual, we had a few tests today though. My brother copied off of me once again. He knows I have a brother and that I'm ahead of my grade but it always seems weird to mention things like this. I see the dots appear as he texts back but they soon disappear. "Okay, fine whatever didn't want you to answer anyways," I mumble.

At about 2 am I wake up completely dehydrated. i decide to go downstairs and get a glass of water. My mom is away on a biessniess trip for another week. I'm no longer tired so I decide to grab a carton of strawberries as well as my water and watch a movie. 

As I sit down on the couch I immediately jump up, drop my glass, then scream. There is someone fucking sleeping on the couch. The person jumps up and covers my mouth with their hand. I immediately recognize the smell. It Hayden.

I rip his hand off of my mouth, "Hayden what the fuck! I didn't know you were sleeping over! Rune doesn't tell me shit! Fuck you scared me!" He shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair.

I can't help but look at his abs stretch as he reaches back, fuck no. He is the most egotistical person I have ever met. He must've noticed me staring so he says "what's wrong little s? Cat's got your tong?" I can feel my cheeks heat and I've never been so glad it's dark so he can't see my face. 

I push him, "can you move?" I snap, I just wanted to watch my movie. He crosses his leg over the other and leans back. "What's the magic word?" I can hear the smirk in his voice but I brush it off. 

"Can you please move?" I ask with the fake sweet and innocent voice I use with adults. "Wrong again, it was can I suck your dick?" 

OH, that mother fucker. I decide against snapping back at him. Turning on the tv, I turn to Hayden "what do you want to watch then?" I can finally see his face now because of the light of the tv.

He just shakes his head and smiles, fine since he doesn't care I decide on The Exorcist, for as long as I can remember we just sat there in silence as I ate my strawberries watching the movie.

AN: If you would like to see the characters you can see them on my TikTok at Authorsouthsidewaters! Please remember to vote and thank you for reading!

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