bikinis and butt cheeks

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I mean there has to be some type of weird category creature for people who don't like sweets I mean come on I beg to make people happy and he said no! The carry-on blobbing to my secret best friend about the guy in my technology class refused the desserts I made for the class. It wouldn't have bothered me if it was just me right because I honestly don't care enough what have those people in that school think but for him to say he's like sweets at all?? It doesn't make sense to me.

like a good secret best friend she just always sits there and listen to me while I blab on it that's why I talk so much when I talk to him because I don't talk a lot in dragon rules of people in real life if I keep everything I think bottle inside in this is how I expressed what I think.

well anyways tomorrow night is our schools Lockin it's for all grades and I don't think I've ever been more afraid of anything route is making me go because I " need to get out of the house and socialize more" I just laughed in his face when he said that I thought he was joking. Turns out he's not.

he signed me up for the walk-in thing without my permission so now I'm stuck in the school with kids I can't stand sleeping on a cold gym floor for 48 hours. Did I forget to mention that it's from Friday night to Sunday night and they're giving school off to those who don't because supposedly they want to Winston award for school socializing more shit like that

I already know it's gonna go horribly someone's gonna end up hooking up in a classroom. but hey if there's is home early from that go ahead by me. i'm just not following me if I get to leave.

finishing up my calculus homework I had downstairs to watch a movie and hang out with my cats. I pull out some strawberry shortcake that I made yesterday. i'm pick out a DVD for a movie I wanna watch. or at least that was the plan.

instead I walked down to see Hayden and Bru on the couch two girls on top of them bonding The girls? Well that we need to a lot older small gas burner oh my God and try to run upstairs around there heard me because I heard room go oh shit.

I run into my room and close the door and hide under the covers hoping that he'll believe that I was just sleeping imagination that I was ever down there. he didn't believe that.

he turns back on the light and pulls back the covers as he's using his other hand to wipe the remnants of lipstick off of his face. I stay silent still pretending like I wasn't there. Serafina I'm sorry I didn't I don't even know what to say I'm sorry this is so awkward I didn't know you were home I probably should've assumed but. He trails off he doesn't know what he's gonna say but at same time I know what he's gonna say.

" it's fine I didn't expect you to never have a girl over I just didn't expect you and Hayden to be making out with girls on the couch next to each other" I trail off " is that like some sort of weird fetish thing or like kink.." ruins face instantly brightens and he laughs a little before he says " no absolutely not I was planning on kicking him out anyways pretty soon."

"no it's fine I'm just gonna be up here for the night but please tell him not to eat all my strawberries again." I plead last time it was so annoying I went to go eat some of my strawberries and they were all gone stupid Hayden ate them all. he just chuckles and says good night and leaves. I love that he thinks I was being funny I was serious I'll actually kill him if he eats them again.

I just finished my last class of driver's ed and my test is tomorrow and I'm completely freaking out. I mean what if I don't pass the class was expensive already I don't wanna be a failure I mean imagine yes I didn't pass the first time I had to take it again. Who wants to drive with someone who couldn't even get their drivers test correct the first time!

My breaths are uneven and shaky so I I know I need to take a break from studying. I always get like this when I put too much pressure on myself. pretty much everyone passes this first test why should I be any different?

I pull myself together and head downstairs to grab a few more books from the downstairs shelf and check on the cats. they're doing so well and as much as Rune claims to hate them he seems to be the person who loves them the most aside for me. or maybe Hayden I can't talk he actually loves the cats or hates them?

I pull up my phone when I feel it vibrate from a text message I hope it's unknown but instead it's Alicia, hey Seri just a quick reminder that the freshman beach trips coming up soon so we have to go bikini shopping!! yes with the two exclamation points. I let it a small grown before putting on a fake smile to text her back. Maybe if I convince myself that I am excited about it I'll actually be more excited about it than I am.

i'm only going because Alicia begged me too and because I get to see the ocean. It's one of my favorite places on earth it's so peaceful and you don't need to go with anyone else. so I can Do you what's going on this trip for those reasons in those reasons only.

I already know Alicia's gonna try and beg me to get into one of those string bikinis in one movement they could fall off. She always looks amazing in them with her toned legs and tan skin with her dark reddish brown hair. She looks amazing in everything. instead I'm pale a freckles and flat. and I don't even mean the classic "im so flattt" like genuinely. I don't have big pretty full lips like all the gorgeous models. mine are small and pale and my top lip disappears when I smile.

few hours later Alicia is over at my house begging me to get ruined to drive us to the boutique downtown to go shopping. " he's busy" I try to continuously argue going to Hayden's over. she's completely in love with rune it's so obvious but it makes me kind of uneasy. " fine I'll go ask him myself" She sticks the lollipop she was holding in her hand a second to go back into her mouth sucking on it slightly. oh my God.

I try to run after her as she goes to try to chase him down. It's not completely horrible thing I mean pretty sure the feelings mutual but still. She supposed to be my best friend that his girlfriend. she's literally the only friend I have he cannot take her.

as I'm chasing after I run into a wall and fall back on my butt. why the fuck is there a wall? I look up and see that was not a wall that I ran into it was Hayden.

oh shit
he just stares down at me glaring. Size of ice and steel or just looking. You can't see anything in them you can't tell a single thing he's ever thinking.

he finally says. "Well where are you going so fast?"He questions. I'm still rubbing my butt as I reply quickly and breathlessly "Alicia is trying to beg Runs to take us downtown to make us go bikini shopping." he seemed on interested before but once I said the word bikini he seemed to perk up a little. Typical him.

you know I could always take you guys. My car is here anyways. We can go get Alicia and I can drive you guys because Rune is actually busy. "We got assigned some stupid project for science of course he is a no shit so he actually has to figure it out." "And you don't" I question him actually don't know how smart he is I've never asked. he replies with "I'm doing well enough in the class to pass."

I finally stand up and wins a little my butt still is sore but I'll be fine. Heading into the library because I know that's where her room was I open the door a little bit before I see Alicia straddling Rune. I quickly shut the door and rush over to Hayden.

yeah so they're a little preoccupied I guess I'm just gonna have to go. I would really try and get out of this but none of my bathing suits from last year will fit. well I am flat yes there's a little something little something more that wasn't there last year.

as we start heading out to the driveway I ask "can I drive?" "I abso-fuckly not." He says he laughs. That's rare.

and my phone lights up with a text.

Only with youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora