Son of the devil

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Hayden's POV

I step back to shoot the three. Swish  The crowd goes wild. As I run back to the other side to defend I make eye contact with some pretty blonde with her tits building out of her top. I give her a fake-ass smile and go back to the game.

I make the final buzzer-beater point although we were already winning by 45, and I catch the blonde girl looking at me again. Seraphina ruses down from the bleachers to try and get Rune to leave as soon as possible. 

Most people have left by now and the blonde approaches me. I take her hand and walk out of the gym. Going inside the women's locker room she immediately starts pulling down my shorts. Taking my cock in her hand she strokes me a little. Before looking up at me nervously. Fuck the confidence that brings me when girls do that.

She takes me into her mouth, and the rest she cant reach she uses her hand to guide herself up and down sucking onto my cock. As I'm getting close to cumming the door opens. My head back against the locker's eyes closes I snap "piss off." 

I open my eyes to see Seraphina running across the locker room to where I would assume her locker is. As she rushes out she looks at me once more, "I'm sorry um" is all she can say as she leaves. Fuck, I cum in the blonde's mouth. 

She wipes the cum dripping ou of her lip onto her sleeve and starts undressing. Fuck no. I walk ou the door as I hear her struggling to get her clothes back on. Running out to the parking lot to Rune I can hear Seraphina telling him that "I'll be busy for a while." I let out a small laugh after that one and climb inside.

"Hey sorry I took so long I was busy." I can hear the scoff in Seraphina's tone as she says "yeah we know you were." I turn around with a devil's grin on my face I say "oh hi Sera I didn't see you there." 

She rolls her eyes once before focusing again on her phone. The ride to my house was filled with Rune and I's discussion of the game. I would've normally told him about the blonde but I didn't want to make Sera uncomfortable. 

Tomorrow is Saturday, I didn't sleepover at Rune's because we have a 7 am practice tomorrow. The air smells like whiskey and smoke per usual when I walk inside. My mom is passed out watching some HD tv and my dad's probably out with some whore.

I go over to my mom, I turn off the tv, take away her wine glass, and wrap her in a blanket. I give her a small kiss before heading to my room. Only 120 days left of school and 120 days till I go to Standford for basketball. 

Pushing over the heavy but small bedside table in front of my door to lock it I head to bed. The water bill hasn't been paid so ill shower tomorrow at Rune's. 

Like clockwork, it's about 1:23 with my dad stumbling inside. Hearing him shout for me makes my skin shiver but I don't flinch. I hear him walking towards my door so I use my hands to push against the door. 

He's strong but I've gotten stronger than I was as I kid. He's kicking and yelling at my door to let him inside. I won't. I know what happens when I do. 

About five minutes later he gives up and goes to bed. I wait for awhile longer before deciding to go for a run. I slide the table out of the way and check on my mother before leaving.

The cool fall air feels relaxing against my skin. I pull out my phone while running. I quickly send a text to Rune, Dad's home. Coming over be there in 10 I don't need him to text me back to let me know it's okay.

Rune is the only person who somewhat knows what goes on in my life. Not the shiny parents who have always supported their son's dreams that everyone else believes. That's part of the reason that he's my best friend, that he will always be by my side. 

When I arrive Sera's light is still on, probably reading. I place the latter that I always use to climb up to his window onto the roof and climb up. 

I have my own room here at this point. It used to be referred to as the guest room but now everyone calls it Hayden's room. I mean I already have the majority of my stuff here. 

They would honestly let me live here without blinking. They have offered multiple times but I could never leave my mom behind. No one would be there to help her If i left her. 

My room is right across from Seriphina's room, so that i don't scare her this time i lightly knock on her door to see if she is awake. No answer. I slightly open the door to see her sleeping peacefully still with her glasses on and book atop her face.

I place a bookmark inside her book and set it next to her, putting her glasses atop of it and turning off the light. I go to my room and sleep until my alarm wakes me up.

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