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" Hey do you- OH MY GOD" I yell in slam ruins door shut when I see ruin and Alicia making out on his bed. I can hear them both laughing inside his room so I'm assuming it's safe to come in now.

" anyways I was gonna ask if you wanted to watch a movie but you seem a little busy..." I trail off what should I watch tonight? " ask Hayden he'll probably watch with you." Rune says amusingly.

I pop some popcorn and put the cheese powder on top of it. You can't have popcorn without the cheese powder on it. It's not the same. I said to watch pride and prejudice, I've been watched in a while.

once we meet Mr. Darcy I'm giggling nonstop and have a blanket wrapped around my head. I am so in love with that man. and in that moment Hayden slams his keys on the little table next to the door. we both stare at each other with my blanket wrapped around me as the movie is playing in the background.

he walks into the kitchen without saying a word and grabs a beer out of the fridge. He pops a little off of it and stands there from a moment sipping on it. He must've been debating his head whether or not to come watch the movie with me because he ends up sitting down on the couch next to me. "Rune with Alicia?" he grumbles he's clearly angry but I want to ask him why but I feel like I would be inappropriate.

we sit there in silence for a while but I was the movie gets sadder and sadder my sniffles as I cry fill the room. And per usual he sits there his face like stone. Does he make any other faces besides angry and emotionless? i'm bawling by the end and Hayden is still slowly sipping on his beer.

I don't know what came over me in that moment but I rip it out of his hand and chug the rest down. "what the fuck" he angrily says. it's not like he wasn't almost done with it anyways. I must've been possessed because I then dropped my blanket that was around me and slid my body onto his thigh.

"what the hell are you doing?" he says Horsley. I can see how difficult it is for him to swallow as I look up with him. I'm giving him my door wide innocent eyes that I know will drive him insane. his mouth drops open slightly.

surprise, a new emotion.

flashlight off of him. I try to get up and leave but he clicks on her based on your back down. Where do you think you're going he questions. I say in the most calming voice possible I wanted to see if you were any other emotions turns out you do.

I slide myself farther onto him straddling his thighs. And in one motion i grind myself against him. I can see how badly he wants to touch me. Feel me. I lean my face close enough to feel his uneasy hot breaths as i bring my lips to the point where if either of us moved to edge who would be kissing.

I stand up and walk away.

i hear heavy footsteps behind me as I try to speed up. I wasn't fast enough, "come here" he growls. oh shit i'm dead. it's about 12 o'clock now so I know Alicia and Rune are asleep. well let's at least hope that.

I run as fast as I can up the stairs and lock myself in my bedroom. I can see they handled twisting back-and-forth as he did tries to get in. But yet his attempts are in vain. "you better lock your door all right Seriphina." it's the last thing I hear from him in the night.

The day of the beach party arrives. I put a big T-shirt and some Flowey white shorts with my new bikini underneath it. I have my arms wrapped around my body as a leash and I walk onto the beach. while Alicia only has a T-shirt that hangs right above her ass.

Alicia drags me to say hi to everyone before she eventually settles down with a group of sophomore guys. One of them I think Jared is his name seems to be sticking to my side more than the others. He has longer wavy dirty blonde hair that sticks to his forehead.

he has this big goofy grin, and two white of teeth that it's hard to look at him for very long. " it's Serafina right? I've seen you around but you're mostly in junior classes?" I plaster on a fake smile as I say "umm I had to be placed in higher grade classes because the others were not challenging enough." I don't know what he thought he was doing but he laughed after that. As if I was joking?

" your Rune's sister right? You're a lot prettier than he described." he says flirtatiously stepping in closer to my side. " do you wanna go for a swim?"

Alicia's already in the water with two other guys. And I can see Rune scowling at them. "why not" I offer. I have to start doing things out of my comfort zone more. I pulled on my shorts and step out of them as I pull my shirt over my head I feel like everyone's turned up look at me.

I dress much more modestly than the other girls in my grade I would say. But I guess it becomes a big deal when I show a little bit of skin. This is a lot more than a little bit of skin.

I can see the guys mouth drop open. As I walk into the water he chases after me. Along with the seven more guys I guess I've just added to my collection. they're all talking to me at once and it's hard to keep up.

and just for a moment. I feel almost amazing about myself. Is this what Alicia feels like? I question. I know they only want me for my body and they don't care about anything else. But it feels so good to be wanted.

i'd look around hoping that someone can see my panic and try and save me. But of course the only person is Hayden. And he looks really fucking angry. rooms already dragged off Alicia somewhere. Which is worse for me. Because I know I would've had my protective older brother already taken care of them.

after staring at him for almost a minute he comes stopping over. I think he got my sign. " get the fuck out of here." he says jokingly but I can feel the sharpness of anger in his voice. which the guys clearly do not hear. "Nah man she's fine we were having a good time. Right girly?" they'll turn to look at me when he says that I just stand that are silently, blushing.

" she's clearly uncomfortable so let her go." he shows one of the guys who tries to stand up to him. "woah as just want to have a little fun with her," that was a turning point. he punches the guy who said that across the face.

blood coating his hand is the guys lip bleeds out. "what the fuck man!" threatening him. And the guy just puts out his hands and backs up. The eight guys leave after that.

"thank you so-" I try to think it been instead he cuts me off. " what the fuck you think your doing?" he questions with eyebrows raised but he still has that stoned cold face. "i uhh-" I wish I had an answer for it but I honestly don't doesn't matter to me because he cuts me off again. "I told you to not fucking wear that and what did you do. You wore it. I don't need every guy trying to take what's mine." The longer he talks the more more his voice goes silent and he mutters more and more.

"stop saying i'm yours." I yell as i poke him in the chest with my pointer finger. I try to do it again but he grabs my wrist to stop me. I hasn't been able to look at him yet. But i decide to now.

He has a new face. Jealousy.

it looks very similar to anger but there is more of a disgust look to it than just anger.

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