New problems

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"You don't know anything about him." Alisha snaps waking me from my daydream. Alisha and i used to be best friends back in elementary school.

Although she wouldn't I would still call her my best friend if someone asked.

"That's where you are wrong. I know everything about him but his name, where he's from, and what he looks like." Alisha scoffs after i say that. As if we don't have this same argument time and time again.

Just like time and time again she rolls her eyes after scoffing and leaves the table. Another day i have to sit at what seems like an almost empty table but is filled with people.

Alisha is popular, she makes me sit with her stuck up, blonde, boobs, and Bentley 'friends' and every day they say hello to her and ignore me.

I could honestly and just go sit at one of the empty tables, but one thing that is more embarrassing than sitting at the popular table. Then not even being addressed, is leaving it after being there.

I jump back as someones large hand leaches down onto my lunch tray and takes my apple. Then 'accidently' knocks my tray and all of my food falls onto me. "Fucking great" i mumble and as a few people turn to whisper and laugh as i try to dry the milk off of my shirt.

I look up finally to see who knocked over my tray and of course it was Oscar Clement. Most people have turned around now and are laughing at me as the tips of my hair are still dripping down my shirt, soaking it even father than it was before.

I can feel the tears welling in my eyes as i try to bite the inside of my cheeks. Yet the pain does nothing. I hear chairs screech and i hear Hayden and Rune talking to Oscar, "what the fuck man!" Rune shouts as i assume he pushes him backwards because i can hear the impact of someone hitting a table.

The tears start to pass, allowing me to get my vison back. Oscar then clears his throat and tries to make himself look tough but strightening up. "Come on man it was just a joke, i didnt know she would cry about it." He contiunes to try and defend himself as i turn to go to the bathroom to clean myself.

All fucking hell breaks loose.

I'm not sure who started it but i could hear someone drop to the cold tile floor and Hayden spit to him, "Just because you can't get off any other way does not mean you get to fucking make her upset."


"I'm fine!" Rune snaps as he's driving. I'm pushing an ice pack against his eye because Oscar didn't have anything else to defend himself but the tray he hit Rune in the corner of his eye with it.

"You have a fucking black eye and it's swollen. Let me just take care of you!" I snap back at him. Pressing the cold bag of peas against his eye. He stops fighting me and takes the bag from me and holds it against his eye.

I finally feel triumphant as we hit a red light and Hayden takes a picture of Rune while laughing.

Rune threw the bag of peas out the fucking window.

I quickly unbuckle and roll down the window, "earth killers!" I shout at them as i try and reach down on the road to grab them.

In that moment the light turns green and Rune quickly turns. Of course i happen to be on the left side and he quickly turns left. So i tumble stright on to Hayden's lap.

My face quickly fills with heat as Hayden smirks at me.

My arm and hand are on his fucking dick.

I quickly scrambl off and turn away from him. My face feels like its on fire and i'm so embarssed.

I wish i would've held it for a little while longer.

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