band tee's and ripped jeans

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Hayden's POV
we've been sitting in the office waiting for the principle for about 20 minutes. That old hag is probably jerking off to some child porn while we wait.

The old motherfucker finally comes into the office while gripping onto some women probably 25 years younger than him. I scoff, and i see him give me a side eye.

He gestures Rune and I into his office as the women sits down next to him. Placing her forearms on the table and lacing his hands together and calmly says, "what the FUCK happened in the cafeteria?"

I know Rune gets uncomfortable situations, so i just shrug my shoulders. My scholarship wont be revoked at this point so i honestly don't give a fuck.

"You can't just shrug Hayden and think all of your problems will go away," Principle Mix sneers. I lean forwards onto the desk, face to face with him now. "And you can't think that your problem of not being able to get your dick up will go away, no many how many girls you hire."

Seeing him go pale after i said that was the best fucking thing I've ever experienced. His words stumble as he says, "well" clears his throat, "just don't do it again and two days of detection."

We stand up and walk out of his office. Before i close the door i turn to him and yell as loud as possible, "oh yeah and if you need me to pick up more Viagra, let me know."

Rune and i head to the back of the school to smoke, well mostly me. Taking a long inhale from my cigarette i let out quickly. "Hey by the way im staying at your place tonight after the show." I can feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Please let it be her.

"k but i have to go out with my dad tonight so it will be just you and Sera. And why are you even still in that band. You fucking hate most of them" he teased taking a long drag on his cig.

"Takes my mind off things," I say before dropping by bud and putting it out with my shoe.

walking off and turning on my phone, i see a text from a phone number that i of course recognize. Have practice tonight? The texts reads. As i continue walking to the bar to preform i text back.

Yeah, fucking Migel is still kissing Kai's dick. I cannot catch a fucking break. But hey do you want to come watch? Already knowing that it will be a no. But at times i cant help but wonder if one of our adoring fans in the crowds could be her.

I supress a groan and see the dots appear as she texts back, maybe but you would never know ;)

Fucking hell.

As the night went on and it was once again a blur of blondes,blood, and bottles.


As soon as i got to Rune's house i get the spare key from under the mat and stumble throughout the house. The world is seemingly spinning around me as i walk up the stairs.

Getting into my room i turn on the light and hear a shrill scream as i drop into bed.

"Hayden," someone pokes at my head. "Hayden" they say as they do it again. "Hayden," once more before i groan and roll to see Seraphina staring up at me. With her cutsy hair and cutsy glasses.

"Seraphina" I smile, wrapping my arms around her waist and plopping her on top of me. She starts pushing herself away from me. "Hayden stop it you're drunk." she says and I slur back,

"why are you so nice to me when i am such an asshole to you?"

Hayden please just let me go." She pleads and starts to cry.

I wipe her tear "no, no i didn't mean to make you cry." I didn't want to make her sad. We were just having fun.

I think i fell asleep because i do not remember anything else about the night.

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