A glimpse of us -Epilog

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AN/: So sorry for not updating but this is the final chapter so i hope everyone enjoys it! Please remember to vote!

Four years later 

I finally made it. It took me a long time, a lot of anger, tears, and re-living my past feelings of love. But in the end, it proves that I survived. While I may not have any physical scars from what happened I carry that emotional baggage. In the end, writing my book about what happened ended up being the best thing to happen to me. 

I reached the number one bestseller in both the United States and most of the Uk. I've made millions off of what happened. Turns out people escape their own pain by reading about someone else's. 

After I spent my year in boarding school I decided to stay there for my senior year and graduation. I ended up being valedictorian and went to Cambridge for a year but i dropped out to write my book. 

I'm flying home tomorrow. Alisha and Ruin are getting married in a couple of days, turns out it wasn't just a fling. But whole-heartedly i am so happy for them and they are so in love it makes me sick. 

I only have been back to the US once since everything. I had to get everything because i permanently moved to London. I live in a small apartment in town near a bookstore and cafe. I still have my cats although they're getting old. 

I feel at home here. I love the busy streets but also the comfort of it all. Ding my phone lights up with a text. Hey stranger, it's been awhile. How are you? It's my stranger. I haven't talked to him in years and i've missed him alot. I text him back, Hello to you as well! How are you? What have you ended up doing in life? 

I had to pick up a few more groceries before i leave so i head to my local store. I walk around the store getting what i need while still mostly on my phone. Ow Shit I rub my head and look at what i ran into, a fucking freezer door. The person holding it open closes it, "Oh my god i'm sorry are you okay?" i look up to tell them that it's not their fault and i wasn't watching what i was doing but i freeze.

"Hayden?" My mouth instantly dries up when i say it. We just stare at each other for a moment, trying to figure out where we stand. "Seraphina?" I nod and let out a nervous laugh. "How are you? I haven't seen you in god," He runs his hand against the stubble on his chin. 

"Four years" I say nervously, I'm worried i said it too quickly that it seems like i've been counting the years. He smiles a little, "Yeah, wow four years. How have you been? What did you end up doing in life?" He asks, he's still the same. He has the same grey eyes and dark hair that falls down the front of his face. He has smile lines now though and the stubble along his jaw. 

"I-uh after everything i went to a boarding school near my mom for two years, then went to Cambridge for a year before writing my book and moving here." He smiles, and i'm blown away, he never used to smile and now it seems he does it all the time now.  

"Wow, first of all you wrote a book? That's crazy I always knew you were going to write something. And secondly, you live here? I can't believe how much you've grown up Seri." I smile at the childish nickname, no one has called me that in a long time. "How have you been? How did your basketball career go?" I ask him, I love watching his eyes light up when he talks now. 

"I have a girlfriend now, we've been together for two years, her name is Maddie. We live together and have a dog and rabbit together." He says, laughing a little at his own words. "My basketball career ended pretty quickly because i got my scholarship taken away around the time we broke up." He doesn't look at me when he says 'broke up' although he had told me we were never 'together.' 

"Are you going to Hayden's wedding?" I ask out of the blue, and he looks up at me again. "Yeah, i'm going to be his best man." I laugh a little at my own stupidity, of course he is they're best friends. "I'm sorry about everything" He blurts and i'm stuck for a moment. I don't look down but I can't look him in the eye. "Uh- it's not okay obviously but I'm okay now, I've accepted that it happened and moved on." He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck as he says, "I'm really glad, but yeah I really am sorry I had to put it out there." 

I smile "thank you and i'll see you at the wedding most likely." "Yeah, Goodbye Seraphina." "Goodbye Hayden."

As i walk down the street back to my apartment i start thinking. Making peace with the past, it sometimes seems impossible. But here I am. A living example of someone who has made it. I have healed. Now i may still have days where i backslide and spiral downwards again but it's okay as long as i pick myself back up again. 

Now some may not like my story because there's holes in it. But your brain has a tendency to block out trauma. So yes there may be some holes in my story, because no matter how much i was in love. I was also being manipulated the entire time.

And that's where it ends. Two separate lives. Two paths. Two separate fates. Two strangers never meant to intertwine again. 

AN/: Thank you so much for reading and please do not hate this story too much because it is somewhat based off of my own life! I hope you all enjoyed reading and I love you and hope you have the best day!

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