Forced to buy a vampire slave -chapter 57-

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My eyes slowly opened and I stared up at a white ceiling, the unrelenting aching coming back that I'd been accustomed to.

I heard a dull beeping noise from beside me; my eyes slowly took in the room.

I was in a hospital room, lying on the uncomfortable beds you're accommodated with.

Corey was in here I noticed, he was sprawled out on the couch against the windowed wall, his eyes closed and his breathing steady.

One arm was hanging off the couch while the other was propped behind his head.

I sat up, ripping the IV's and such from my arms and getting off the bed.

I went to the couch. "Corey?"

His eyes snapped open and he jerked up, falling off the couch.

"Ow, fuck." He muttered.

I looked down at him. "That seriously hurt?"

He swiftly got up, holding his side.

"Are you okay?" I questioned.

His eyes met mine for only a brief second. "When did you wake up? Why are you up? You should be lying down."

"Why am I in a hospital?" I countered, ignoring his questions.

"You went into a coma."

"Oh...How long was I in a coma for?"

"Two days." He ran a hand through his hair.

"Have you been here the whole time?"

"Yeah except for when Drake made me leave sometimes, insisting I needed fresh air. I didn't really want to leave though."


"Where else would I want to be when you're in the hospital?"

I shrugged.

"You should really lay back down." He insisted.

"I'm fine."


I nodded. "Can we leave?"

"I don't know let me go get Drake."

He quickly left the room.

I went to the couch and looked out the window; it was a rainy, cloudy day.

I stood back up, idly playing with my hands.

The door opened and Corey walked back in, Drake coming in behind him with a girl.

Drake smiled. "Look who's awakey? Those were the longest two days of my life, I swear."

I breathed a laugh and he hugged me tightly.

"I think they should've given Corey something for emotional pain but I don't think they had anything. I asked." Drake grinned, pulling away to look at me.

I laughed, Corey rolled his eyes.

"He did find something to knock him out though." Drake mused. "So he's been out for the past like two hours."

Corey glared at the floor.

"So, anyways," I moved on, taking my eyes away from Corey. "Can we get out of here now?"

Drake nodded. "Yeah, they should let you out."

He kissed my cheek. "I'm so glad you're awake, Bells."

After a short ride from the hospital in Drake's car we arrived back at the house, my parents and Reaver greeting me as soon as I walked in the door.

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