Merry Christmas!

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"Wake up! Wake up, it's Christmas!" 

My eyelids fluttered open, meeting the sight of Drake standing over my bed with a big grin over his face. 

The realization slowly sank in over a few moments and I sat up, the black T-shirt I had on hanging loosely on me.  

My black hair mussed, I glanced over to see Corey spread out beside me on the bed. 

"Come on guys," Drake whined, drawing my eyes back to him. "Presents!" 

I breathed a laugh. "We're coming, Drake." 

"Well hurry," He asserted, heading out of the room. 

I gazed back over at Corey, the back of his hair sticking up in messy curls. 

His hair was no longer black but his apparent natural hair color which was a very rich dark brown with a reddish undertone. 

It looked gorgeous against his porcelain skin tone and I wondered why he ever changed it to begin with. 

"Corey? Sweetheart, wake up." I rubbed his back lightly, a small smile on my lips as I gazed down at him. 

His head turned from the pillow his arms were wrapped about, his eyes cracking open. 

"Mmm?" He mumbled. 

"Time to get up, Drake wants to open presents." 

"Presents?" He moved a hand, rubbing his face briefly and opening his eyes almost fully. 

"It's Christmas." I stated. 

"I don't celebrate Christmas." He put his head back down. 

I pursed my lips in a smile. "Come on, you can go back to sleep later." I ran my fingers over his curls. 

"No." He said into the pillow. 

"I bet there's coffee." 

He peeked over at me. "Seriously?" 

I nodded. 

"Fine," He sighed, getting up. 

I smiled faintly, getting out of bed and tugging on a pair of faded off-red skinny jeans laying by my bed as Corey pulled on his black jeans, ruffling his hair as he stretched. 

I swept the hair back from my face, giving him a light kiss as he strolled over to me. 

"You don't like Christmas?" I questioned. 

He scratched his chin, making a cynical face. "No, not really." 

"It's fun." I said lightly. 

"Not really," 

I took his hand, leading him from the room. 

Reaver was off in I guess, whatever, I just was happy he wasn't in this...dimension. 

He said he had "deals" to take care of. 

I had no clue. 

Corey and I entered the kitchen where Drake was eating a cinnamon roll. 

Corey went for the coffee maker and I hugged Drake lightly, stealing his roll. 

"Hey," He whined as I took a bite of the sweet and flaky food. 

I smiled around a mouth full. 

I finished it off and gave him a kiss on the cheek as he pouted.  

"Where's mom and dad?" I questioned. 

"In the living room." Drake replied, picking up his Santa Claus mug. 

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