Forced To Buy A Vampire Slave-Chapter 32-

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Chapter 32:

To say that I was in heaps of trouble when my parents got home was overstatement.

I'd been expecting a lot more discipline than I got. Actually I'd been bracing myself since they stepped foot in the door of our lavish home.

It felt like I had been in this office too many times these past few months.

The maroon walls covered in my Father's favorite paintings and the two large desks that sat side by side, the room always seemed to smell like paper.

I sat in the tan chair once again, looking at both of my parents as they stood in front of me; my Father leaned up against his desk and my Mother standing a few feet away from him, both looking directly at me.

I leaned back and folded my hands across my stomach, a slight smile playing at the edge of my lips.

This time-unlike the many others-I was actually very relaxed.

"Go ahead," I prompted.

"I don't even know where to begin." My Dad started. "Why don't we begin with why in god's name did you do that?"

"I think you know why," I presumed. "I mean you've seen what has happened the past few weeks and what happened today. Well I'm not sure if you heard what that one guy said..."

"But did you really deem it necessary to tell off a whole church full of people?" He questioned.

I shrugged. "It just happened to be that I had had enough. It just pushed me too far. I didn't really give much thought to it. I just did it."

"Well the press is going to have a field day with this. You've gotten a hell of a lot more famous these past few weeks."

I laughed dryly. "Yeah,"

"Next time, the speech and talk to me first. We can figure out another way to express your frustration."

I nodded.

I was very surprised at how calm they were being.

Maybe it was because I was being calm...I don't know but still I expected more of a reaction than this. I thought there was going to be yelling; they didn't even raise their voices.

My Dad spoke again; "Not that you don't have a right to be fed up with all this, you knew what you were getting into when you announced it. Don't tell me you can't handle it now?"

I shook my head and sat up. "No, I can. I just got pissed off that's all."

"Are you sure this is worth it?" My Mom asked. "Are you sure he's worth it?"

I brushed off her tone of voice because I knew exactly what she meant and yes- it was an insult to Corey.

"I'm beyond sure; I don't even need to think about it. This is not a choice. There are no choices here, I love him more than anything and I will do anything to be with him. If I haven't already proved that."

She sighed.

"Can you just for once look at him as a person and not a vampire? Can you attempt to understand that I love him?"

They glanced at each other.

"That's a lot to ask for." She said.

"I don't think it is." I stated. "At least it wouldn't be if everyone didn't have a fucked up opinion of the world." I muttered.

"Language," She scolded.

I rolled my eyes.

I heard Drake chuckle quietly from the corner of the room.

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