14 - The Shopping Trip

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Akari hummed to herself, skipping down the road. She was heading over to her boyfriend's house, ready to possibly expand their relationship. Maybe she could play a game with him...cuddle...maybe even kiss.

Or possibly even more?!

A black limousine drove down the road, slowing down as it neared Akari. Akari suspiciously glanced towards it, stopping as the limousine stopped with her. She quickly grasped the knife in her right pocket, ready to for a fight.

The back window rolled down, revealing Konami with an unsettling grin displayed on her face. "Hello Sumiko...let's have a little talk."

~~ April 13, 2014 ~~
~ Uddoforu Academy~

Akari begrudgingly entered the limousine. How annoying. She'd have to visit Hiro later then. Sitting down across from Konami, she wondered what in the world the heiress of Chiyo Corp wanted.

They were simply fellow idols, nothing more and nothing less. That was why it was so strange for Konami to approach her.

"Chiyo." Akari greeted. "So, what is it?"

"Is there a reason to be so cold?" Sweetly smiled Konami, resting her head in one of her hands. Her smile, however, did not reach her eyes.

"Yes." Akari replied. "Considering we are merely acquaintances, and yet you've dragged me into your personal limousine."

"You came in on your own." Konami stated. "And as for why I wanted you...let's say it's for business."

Konami was being incredibly vague, annoying, and suspicious. Akari became more ticked with every second that passed. Every single second Konami held her here was a second wasted. What was the point of her free time if she was away from her special beloved?

"What kind of business...?" Akari asked.

"This kind." Konami smiled, flipping out her phone and clicking on a video. Akari's eyes widened as a video of her sneaking through Hiro's window appeared on the screen.

"How did you get that?!" Akari screamed, lunging for the phone.

Konami moved it out of the way, dodging Akari's lunge. "Oh, you don't need to worry about that. What you need to worry about is what I want."

"...you're going to blackmail me, then." Akari noted. "And here I thought you were better than Giyo."

"...excuse me?" Konami dangerously smiled in Akari's direction. "What did you just say?"

"Your rival found out about Hiro and I's situation, which I assume you know about." Akari stated. "And she has an interest in him as well. However, she didn't stoop as low as blackmail. Wanted a fair game."

"Giyo has an interest in Himitsu...?" Konami muttered to herself in shock.

"That's right." Akari grinned. "And yet despite the two of you being so rich and beautiful, guess who's won his heart."

"...this is bad." Konami growled to herself, slamming a fist into the couch seat.

"What?" Akari asked, narrowing her eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"Giyo is worse than I am." Konami stated. "She's vicious, cunning, and always, no matter what, has a plan. If she didn't blackmail you, she has a reason."

"For some reason I doubt that." Akari replied, crossing her arms.

"Did you hear about the kidnapping two years ago?" Konami stated. "When Yanemi Giyo was kidnapped by that group who wanted to sell her back for millions?"

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