23 - The Reactions

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That dream had come again. The fog, the screams, the laughter. After a couple of days of being freed from it, it had finally returned. But one thing had changed.

He recognized that laughter. Those two people people, somewhere in the distant fog, slowly approaching with their sickening songs. He recognized those two voices all too well.

                     ~~ April 18, 2014 ~~
                   ~ The Meishu Home ~

Hiro gasped awake, staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. He frantically looked around, before calming down as he realized that he was in his new room in the Meishu house.

After his release from the hospital, Mei suggested he lived at her house so he wouldn't be lonely. Well, that's what she said. He wasn't stupid. He knew why they took him in. It was so he wouldn't try that again.

He didn't like being here. He felt he was putting them in danger. There was no evidence that she was the cause of his parent's accident, but the fact that she had almost immediately called him afterwards saying that it wasn't her was suspicious.

He just couldn't trust her, not after what she did to him. Who was to say she did it to capitalize him to herself? He'd rather die than let that happen.

Which he attempted to do, only for Sora to stop him. He still remembered Sora's frantic face as he bolted towards him. Hiro had never seen him like that.

Hiro laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He didn't want to move. He wasn't going to. He was going to try and go back to sleep. He just felt so listless and empty.

It was incredible just how much his life had changed in the span of about two weeks.

A knock rang out on the door. Hiro shuffled in his bed, turning away. He closed his eyes. The door creaked open.

Yoku peeked through the door, staring at the bundle of blankets on the bed, before closing the door and exiting the room.

He walked back downstairs to the rest of the Meishu family, whom was currently eating breakfast.

"He's still asleep." Yoku stated. "I'm just going to let him, after everything that happened yesterday."

"Poor boy." Mrs. Meishu sighed. "He looked so...empty."

"It's strange." Yoku sat down. "He was always so lively when we were playing together."

"He's a good guy." Mika stated. "It's terrible that happened."

"I can't help but feel like it's something more though..." Mr. Meishu thought aloud. "Some of his reactions don't just scream depressed..."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Meishu asked.

"The way he flinches sometimes when someone is close..." Mr. Meishu stated. "I think he may have been abused."

"What?" The others asked in confusion.

"But he clearly loved his parents." Mika replied.

"Well, I'm not saying from his parents, necessarily." Mr. Meishu responded. "It could have been someone else."

Someone else? The thought wandered through Mei's mind. Who could possibly be close enough to Hiro to abuse him? She didn't think it was that annoying pest Hana or that baseball player Sora.

And then it hit her. The one other person she knew that had a connection to Hiro.


Who, speaking of which, was currently in her house and freaking out.

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