47 - The Diary

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Yakumo let out a deep sigh as he stood in front of the door to Yanemi and Yashi's floor. A babysitter was currently with Yashi (along with multiple guards watching) while Yakumo and Sora would conduct the search. If they did find something, Yakumo refused to let Yashi see.

He didn't know what's affect learning of a late mother's sins would have upon her daughter at such a young age. Well, that was assuming that Yanemi did what Sora claimed she had.

~~ July 16, 2019 ~~
~ Yanemi Giyo's Floor ~

"Lets see if we find anything." Yakumo stated. "If she did have anything, it'd be here."

"No secret hideout or anything she could possibly have?" Sora questioned.

"Don't believe so." Yakumo replied. "I would've known if she had bought a place. And she barely leaves here."

Yakumo opened the door, letting the two of them walk through. He locked the door behind them, before they started to move through the floor. The first place they headed to was Yanemi's room, where police tape covered the door.

"I'll check her room. You can check another." Yakumo stated.

"Alright." Sora nodded, looking through of the rooms nearby.

Yakumo tore off the police tape, gripping the doorknob and opening up the door to the scene of the crime. The bed had been completely stripped, but the blood had soaked through the covers and the bed was partially stained.

Yakumo couldn't bear to look at it any longer, knowing that was the blood of his late, precious daughter. Knowing that she had been stabbed to death right there.

Yakumo shook his head, trying to avoid having the bed in sight as he checked the drawers of the bed stand. He had made sure the police kept the room as little touched as possible. The police had simply ended up moving the body and stripping the bloody sheets.

So, anything that would prove Sora's story should be here.

He found a journal, and upon picking it up, he realized that it's purpose was as a diary. He opened it up, and saw the date of the first entry.

January 17th, 2014.

It looks like the journal started five years ago.

Five years ago.

He felt himself pause, Sora's voice echoing through his head, telling him that the times lined up. It had already been proven that Hiro was indeed Yashi's father.

And Yashi was now five.

If he flipped these pages, he'd get the answers to all of his questions. He'd learn Yanemi's true self, and that image of his perfect daughter may be completely broken if Sora told the truth.

As he stared at the first page of this journal, he realized that whatever he read now would change him forever.

With such a heavy weight placed upon his shoulders, he hesitated. But he needed to know the truth. As much as it may hurt him.

After reading the normal and uninteresting first entry, he flipped the page. And he started to read, entry after entry. Entry, after entry.

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