35 - The Knife

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Saki drove her car on the lone road, heading to where she believed that Hiro and Mei had disappeared to. This time she made sure to cover her tracks better.

Maybe she was a fool for doing this again. But she couldn't just leave it at this. Not when her brother was broken.

~~ July 13, 2019 ~~
~ Greenville ~

Her brother hadn't said anything since the last time they talked. She tried to call him, but for the first time he didn't actually answer it.

It worried her. He was still broken, and Hiro actually being alive wasn't enough. She needed to get Hiro to meet with Sora. Maybe then, her brother could rebuild.

She wasn't far. Just a couple more miles.

Her hands were clammy, her arms tense. She was a little afraid. Mei was crazy. From the small part of it she saw, she knew there was something wrong with her.

And by doing this she was only going to deepen herself into this mess, involving not only her brother, Hiro, and the Meishu's, but also THE Yanemi Giyo.

But she needed to help her brother no matter what. She couldn't stand to see him the way he was. After five years of work, she wasn't giving up after one failed encounter.

It took a few months, but she was fairly sure she tracked them down. It was strange, because based on the data she found it was almost like Hiro disappeared into thin air and Mei was now alone.

But that didn't make any sense.

She was able to rent a car, allowing her to drive the distance needed to get to her destination. It took a few days and multiple tanks of gas, but she was almost there.

She pulled up to an abandoned house off of this small road in nowhere. Apparently there's a town a couple miles further, but other than that the building was alone. Saki wondered what the original purpose of this structure was.

She turned off the car, getting out and taking the keys with her. She walked up to the house, lightly knocking on the door. There wasn't a response.

She tried to open the door, but it was locked. She knocked once again. Still no answer.

Maybe they weren't there? But this is an abandoned building...if they're hiding in it, then they aren't going to answer for anybody. They want people to think it's abandoned.

There were two windows in the front of the abandoned building. Neither of them seem openable. She knocked on the glass of one, but once again there was no answer.

The house was silent.

Did she get it wrong?

She peered through the window, trying to see something in the dark building. There was something there on the ground. It was fairly large, kind of lumpy. What was that?

She couldn't tell with how dark it was.

She stepped back from the building, once again looking for a way in. As she analyzed the building, she noticed a hole in the roof. A hole large enough for her to fall down through.

She climbed up the side of the building, struggling and scraping her limbs. She bit her lip in annoyance, heaving herself onto the roof. She lowered herself down the hole, and gently fell to the ground, the boards creaking underneath.

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