40 - The Escape

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Saki had successfully started a conversation with Yashi, who was starting to take a liking to her. Things were going good. Maybe she could get the girl to help her escape. So far, she was able to make Yashi warm up enough that she was now sitting next to her on the bed.

~~ July 15, 2019 ~~
~ Giyo "Guest" Room ~

As Saki talked to the young girl, she couldn't help but feel like this girl was familiar. Of course her mother was Yanemi, the resemblance was unmistakable. But there was something else.

Something that felt wrong...

She wasn't quite sure. But as she made small talk with the girl, talking about their likes and dislikes, she couldn't help but wonder who the father was.

"Do you know what a Yandere is?" Hiro asked, leaning down to look at her.

"No...I don't." She replied nervously.

"It's a term to refer to women who are so crazily in love that they would do anything for their chosen. And I mean anything." Hiro stated. "From murder to manipulation...anything."

She had done some research on the term of Yandere after that encounter. To think that people like that could actually exist chilled her to the core.

Even more so after the incident with Mei.

"Just like Mei there." Hiro softly stated. "Didn't you see her eyes?"

He was shackled to the bed, pale, and seemingly lifeless if it wasn't for his eyes. His eyes moved over to her, but his body stayed limp. His hands were locked above his head with handcuffs to the bed. His ankles were tied with rope.

Mei brought her other hand up with the knife, slamming it into the car glass and at Saki's head.

These girls were crazy. And if they really did act like the yanderes of anime, then Yanemi wouldn't have let someone else touch her, right? So who could be-

"And what happened was that Yanemi and I started talking a little. And somehow that led to her drugging me and violating me." Hiro spat out.

Oh god.

Oh dear love of god.

Saki looked at Yashi, the innocent girl, unbelieving of what she just figured out. From the small talk she was having with her, she knew this child was a pure soul, unlike her mother.

But it sickened her to the core, knowing how the child was created. She hoped that Yashi wouldn't turn out like her mother, let alone learn of why she existed.

"Yashi?" Yanemi's voice suddenly echoed through the hallways.

"You should go see your mother!" Saki quickly suggested. "I'll go and greet her once I get ready."

"Okay!" Yashi replied, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Saki approached the door, placing her ear against the wood and listening to the little girl's retreating footsteps. She listened for a little longer, making sure that Yanemi hadn't come in this direction, before trying the doorknob.

This time it wasn't locked. Yashi, I'm her curiosity, had unlocked the door for her, and didn't lock it back. Perfect.

Saki slowly opened the door, peeking through each side of the hallway. No one was there. She crept out into the hallway, moving in the direction opposite to where she had heard Yashi go to.

There were multiple doors in this hallway, and any one of them could contain Hiro. Or, maybe none of them did. She had no idea, no way to tell. The best chance she had was to learn it from Yanemi herself, but...

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