20 - The Two-Faced

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Akari exited the room as the bell for the end of lunch rang, leaving Hiro alone. He laid down, staring off into space. He needed to get up. He needed to move, before someone saw him in this pitiful state.

                      ~~ April 16, 2014 ~~
                   ~ Uddoforu Academy ~

He pulled the pants of his uniform back on, before slowly standing up. His hips hurt. His head hurt. He wanted to go home, but not even there was safe.

He exited the room, merging in with the crowd. However, he could feel many, many pairs of eyes on him. It made him feel vulnerable. Prey surrounded by predators.

He entered the restroom, washing his face with water. He stared into his reflection, past his glasses into his dimmed eyes. What was he going to do?

Before he could stop it, tears started to flow down his cheeks. No, he didn't want anyone to see him like this. He shut himself in the stall, sitting himself down on the seat and clutching his mouth, muffling his cries as tears continued to roll down his cheeks.

How could this be happening to him? How could people that crazy actually exist? A Yandere was an idea that should only exist in fiction.

And now there were two. One of which he had chained himself to as her boyfriend, the other which was one of the most powerful and influential "ojou-samas" in Japan.

He was screwed. Both literally and figuratively, and both were bad. But what could he do? What if Yanemi ended up threatening his parents? He would hate for something like that to happen.

He would just have to try and move forwards. No matter how much he hurt, he'd have to hide that pain behind his neutral face. Yanderes would do anything to get what they wanted. Let's not make them resort to such desperate measures.

His phone buzzed. A text from his parents. How convenient. 'Flight is back on! We will be home tomorrow! See you soon!'

Hiro quickly responded. He would protect them. He wiped his tears, stood up, marched out of the bathroom, and confidently walked towards his next class.

He entered his cooking class just in time, met with everybody's eyes. News that Akari had kissed him had definitely spread fast, and now everybody was wishing they were him.

How wrong they were.

Hiro confidently sat down next to Konami, who glanced at him in intrigue. 'They definitely did it.' Konami thought. 'He seems to be fine. Maybe she wasn't forceful? Maybe doing it with her helped after Yanemi?'

"Hello Himitsu." Konami greeted.

"H-hello Konami." Hiro stuttered, before regaining his momentum.

'No, she didn't.' Konami deduced. 'He's been affected greatly, to make such a small error when I can't even get him to react to my cooking.'

'Everything is going to plan.' She inwardly smiled menacingly, while outwardly her smile was as sweet as candy. 'It was a good idea to tell Akari what Yanemi likely did after seeing that footage. Well, it's not like Akari will ever know that it was just an assumption.'

'Yanemi...' Konami laughed in her mind. 'You're usually so smart, but love blinded you. You struck too soon, giving me the perfect chance. Now all I have to do is wait a little longer, and then my beloved with fall into my outstretched arms. And until then, I'll satisfy myself by giving him my secret recipe.'

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