17 - The Escalation

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It started like any other day. Hiro had woken up, ready to relax. Well, after he placed an eye pack on his swollen cheek. School started up again on Monday, and he was free until this afternoon when he'd go and see his parents at the airport, who were finally going to be arriving home today.

Or at least, they were supposed to. Hiro awoke to a message on his phone from his parents. Due to a storm the plane had been delayed so they wouldn't be able to return for a couple more days. Well, Hiro had already waited a whole week. Another couple of days would be fine. Actually, in a way this was perfect. Now he didn't need to explain the swollen cheek.

He had no idea that tonight would be when everything changed.

~~ April 14, 2014 ~~
~ The Himitsu Home ~

'I guess I'll play some Fantasy Nexus today.' Hiro thought to himself, booting up his computer. 'I wonder if my friend is online...'

Logging onto his account, he checked his friends to find that the player 'Yuifanatic27' was in fact online. Hiro sent a party invite, and it didn't take long until Yuifanatic27 joined.

"Yo Gralter2!" Hiro heard his friend's voice say through the group chat. "I didn't know you were getting on today!"

Yuifanatic27 was an interesting dude. He sounded slightly older, likely college level, and was a huge fan of manga and anime. His real name was Yoku, something Hiro had learned

"I wasn't planning on originally." Hiro replied, a small smile appearing on his face. Yoku was the one friend that Hiro had before moving here, even if he was just an online one. "But I became free, so I thought why not?"

"Nice." Yoku replied. "Hey, one of my lil sis' got interested in this game recently. You alright if she plays with us?"

"Yeah, I don't mind." Hiro replied. "

"Alright. She'll be joining soon." Yoku replied.

It didn't take long until xTheOnee-Sanx appeared in their party, invited by Yoku. Her character was level 27, while great for a beginner, was a stark contrast to Hiro and Yoku's level 90s.

"This is your friend?" Her voice came on, sounding very familiar. She seemed, from the voice alone, about his age. But why did Hiro recognize it? "Wow, his character is just as strong as yours."

"...President?" Hiro hesitantly asked.

"Himitsu?!" The voice of the Student Council President, Mika Meishu exclaimed.

"Eh? You know my sister?" A confused Yoku replied.

After explaining their connection, the three started to play together. Yoku and Hiro destroyed the competition, while Mika did very good for being new. After the PvP they then did some Arenas, large PvE battles.

Mika had a lot more fun than she expected. After seeing her brother play it so much, she decided she had to try it. She didn't think she'd enjoy it so much as well, though. And she was definitely surprised when she found out that her brother's friend was Hiro.

'My brother's friend and my sister's crush?' Mika thought to herself. 'This is too awesome! He'll be a great brother-in-law.'

Hiro laughed to himself, giving a rare grin which only a camera-spying Konami would ever know about. Playing with two others on Fantasy Nexus was a new experience, but it was very fun.

This would be his final good memory for quite a while.

As for the other man who would be affected today, Daisuke still couldn't believe what happened yesterday. How had that loser gain Yanemi's affection and be dating Akari? Two of the idols, while the popular sports captain was stuck in the dirt? That shouldn't be possible.

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