37 - The Rivalry

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"Really, you want to go to this school?" The teacher asked. "Uddoforu Academy?"

"Yes." The teenager nodded.

"You could make it into a much better high school, you know." The teacher replied.

"I want to go there." The teenager stated.

"All right then, Sawai." The teacher sighed. 'What a waste.'

~~ July 13, 2019 ~~
~ Chiyo Corp HQ ~

Akari pulled out a knife of her own, twirling it around in her hand. It was already soaked in blood.

"What do you plan to accomplish with this?" Konami asked. "Murdering the CEO's daughter. Might as well be a suicide mission."

"It doesn't matter if it's suicide." Akari laughed, a psychotic look in her eyes. "You are going to pay."

"Fine. Have it your way." Konami shrugged.

Sora watched through teary eyes as the two rushed at each other, their knives clashing with slight sparks. He watched as they practically fenced, each trying to get a stab in but not able to get past the other's defense.

The knife fight was much more elegant than what an usual one would be. Both seemed so trained with the knife that they were able to deflect and strike at each other. But when both had those skills, they equaled out.

Sora needed to grab that usb and then get out of here, or he was certainly dead. Akari gave him the chance he needed. However, with both of his hands pinned and burning with immense pain, it seemed impossible for him to actually do something.

He grit his teeth, trying to think of something while Konami and Akari attempted to stab each other. Whether it was the pain or just the true hopelessness of the situation, he couldn't think of anything that would allow him escape.

Except for literally ripping his hand out and completely ruining it. But if that prevented his death, then...

Akari thrusted her knife towards Konami's abdomen. Konami gripped Akari's wrist, keeping the knife from piercing her skin. She brought her knife to stab straight through Akari's face, only for her own wrist to be gripped my Akari's other hand.

They now stood in a struggle, until Akari reared her head back and slammed it into Konami, sending her stumbling back onto the table. Akari jumped forwards, gripping her knife with both hands it slamming it downwards.

Konami ditched her knife and held Akari's arms up, keeping the knife from piercing her heart as she laid on the desk. She kicked Akari backwards, allowing herself to be freed.

Konami grabbed the closest knife to her, one of the ones stabbed into Sora's hand, ripping it out and going after Akari.

Sora let out a gasp of pain, shakily moving his blood-drenched hand to his face. His hand was covered in pure crimson, and it hadn't stopped bleeding.

Sora slowly moved his hand over to his other pinned hand, wincing as he wrapped it around the blade of the knife. He took a deep breath, gripped as hard as he could with his weakened hand, and ripped the knife out.

Sora screamed in pain, collapsing behind the desk. Both of his hands were bleeding so much, leaving so much blood everywhere. They hurt. They hurt so much.

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