CH: 40 Always make them pay

574 13 2

The survivors were spilt up into 3 fireteams, Callsign Misfit 1 was Deku, Sprinter, and Misfit 2 comprised of Hazard, Crash, and Pulse. Hiro and Hawkins worked the comms and watched over the kids at the new command post set up inside the I-island U.S embassy. They decided to rename the cp to "Paris" instead of cp alpha. Figured it would help confuse any humans listening in on comms. The comm gear from the "00" delivery was good, some of the best encryption in the world. But after everything that had happened, its better to be prepared.

Crash had recovered to combat strength thanks to Hiro's quirk. He was taking point to a patrol route to search for survivors in a major underground subway terminal codenamed objective "turtle", misfit 1 was heading to a primary school dubbed objective "toy". The 3 augs all had N4s, a special variant of the m4 loaded with special electrodissruptive armor-piercing rounds. Good for messing with circuits,  they were going through an adjacent shopping mall that lead into the subway. The 3 man formation just finished out clearing the top floor of the southside as they worked their way down. The place was empty, lightened dimly by emergency lighting. Shadows lurked in every corner as the team methodically cleared out each corner and blindspot.  Crash found an empty store and crouched next to the counter in it, his teammates went for other pieces of cover took up a 360 view of the area as he tapped his squad comm, 

Crash-"I don't think anyone is here, a mall full of glass windows isn't the best place to hide"

Pulse chimed in 

Pulse-"They would've ran into the station if they couldn't make the extraction, we'll need to be thorough when checking for survivors"

Crash acknowledged his colleague and switch his comm freq to be able to talk to Deku and Paris.

Crash-"Misfit 2 to all, be advised. 2 is in adjacent complex  200m north of objective turtle, how copy over"

Deku-"Acknowledged 2, misfit 1 is currently 4km west of your position, we are searching objective toy now. we'll regroup at objective turtle if we have no joy. over.

Paris-"All ok here, over"

Crash-" Misfit 2 out"

Crash gave the hand signal and the team continued their approach to the subway tunnels. Soon they approached the entrance, wide stairs lead deeper down into the subway. The area was pitch black, minus the few emergency lights showing the way to the nearest exit. 

Hazard-" No way civis would run in there in the dark."

Crash agreed but they still had to check, Crash flipped down the night vision goggles on his helmet down and took point. The others did the same and slowly made their way into the darkness. 

Deku's pov

I silently made my way through the school halls rifle in the low ready, I covered the left and front arcs of view while sprinter covered the right and rear. We stacked up on each door, I opened the doors and sprinter would rush, checking a corner while I would follow up checking his blindspots. The motion was so drilled into our heads in aug training that it was as seamless as breathing. We made sure to put a chair or something in front of each classroom we cleared, if the item was moved in some way, we knew someone moved it and was probably inside. We learned this from a hostage rescue in India, A terror group using kids as villain martyrs would make the kids hide and run around randomly in the school. Into rooms we just cleared out too, an aug got his head blown off by a little girl with a double-barrel shotgun yelling "death to the filthy". We triple-checked each room after that, one aug said something after that op. "Don't forget nothing," I thought he was losing it, but I guess it was valid wisdom back then. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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