CH:31 hand to hand

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Deku boosted away from the sword swing as the Cloaker went for a wide horizontal slash across Deku's chest. Sprinter went for a kick at the neck of the Cloaker, a loud crack ringed out as Sprinter's boot contacted the Cloaker's neck. Deku was expecting the enemy combatant to fly across the room his neck broken. But the Cloaker didn't even move. It simply stood there and slowly moved its head to face Sprinter. Sprinter's eyes widen like he saw the impossible, he couldn't believe it. A kick like that would break someone's neck. And the neck area didn't seem to be armoured. The Cloaker grabbed his foot trapping it, it pulled out a long sharp knife ready to go for the ankle. Deku grabbed his sidearm and started emptying the clip at the Cloaker's head. The distraction was enough for Sprinter to break free and get some distance from his captor, Sprinter pulled out his rifle and flipped the selector switch to full auto. Unloading his magazine of 5.56 Nato rounds into the target. All the rounds hit center mass of the target. Dents and scratches were visible but the rounds didn't cause serious damage. Like shooting a pistol at a battle tank. Sprinter-"What are you?"  The Cloaker faced him ignoring Deku's pistol attack.  It responded in a cold lifeless mechanical voice. Cloaker1-"Better" Deku emptied his final round. the thing wasn't even looking at him. 

Another Cloaker appeared from thin air and tried to stab Deku in the back. Deku heard its footsteps and barrel-rolled forward. The older augs began engaging the sneak attacker with small arms fire. The police took up a defensive position knowing they were of little use at the moment. Midnight and Mic were dealing with one each. That was 4 where was the fifth one? He told himself, he wanted to scan the room but he couldn't get distracted in the fight. Deku holstered his pistol and extended his wrist-mounted energon blades. He charged at the Cloaker attacking Splinter and skewered his 2 blades in the cloakers chest.  The blades hot energy was able to melt through the Cloaker's armour like a plasma cutter. Sparks were flying everywhere as a metallic voice roared in pain dark blue blood flooding the wound. Deku felt a sharp bold pain in his left rib cage send him flying a few feet as the fifth Cloaker revealed itself. Deku watched as the one he stabbed began to get back up. His stab wounds slowly became smaller and smaller unit the disappeared. "What the fuck" Deku whispered. The Cloaker got up and stared at Deku, sending a chill down Deku's spine. Pulse-"They need to decloak in order to attack or make any sudden movements!!" 

The heroes weren't fairing so well as their attacks were mainly non-lethal. any damage they caused was reversed the healing factor.  The angry Cloaker charged Deku using perfect sword technique to get a kill, Deku's blades clashed with his opponent's. Sparks flying as energized metal danced in a ballet of battle. Deku to a slash to the outside his left shoulder. His armour took the damage but his armoured wouldn't survive another hit in the same area. He parried another swing and used his jump pack to get over and behind the Cloaker. The Cloaker surprised by the move tried to react. Deku was able to pin its right arm next to his ribcage and chop it off with his blade then wrapping his arm around its neck and shoving the blade where the crude smile was painted and slicing the upper half of the head clean off. The Cloaker's body fell with a thud, blue blood covering the floor. The body wasn't healing itself, proof that this thing was dead. Sprinter saw Deku and also lobbed his cloaker's head clean off at the neck area. They turned and saw the gen 2 augs engaging a Cloaker with what appeared to be a huge energized sledgehammer. Deku saw as the Cloaker got a swing on shield. The hammerhead made contact with Sheild's chest rig, sending him flying towards the wall. Blood poured from his mouth as he laid limp. A few police officers grabbed him by the chest rig and dragged his bloody body to the defensive body of cops to apply first aid. The heroes weren't really able to decapitate the cloakers every time they beat them down they got right back up. Pulse and Hazard went to help the heroes while  Deku and others went for the Cloaker that wiped out Shield. 

Down below ochako's team was pinned behind the lobby furniture as the turrets shredded the ice wall brought up by Shouto. Bakugo was able to knock out one of the turrets with his ap shot. Ochako-"Shouto follow my lead!" She used her quirk and lifted a piece of ice towards Shoto, he caught on and began continuously growing the small ice chunk into a floating wall. Ochako and Shouto pushed the self-repairing ice wall towards the last turret as a piece of mobile cover giving Bakugo a clear shot on the last turret. With the area secure Ochako's team were ordered to fall back and assist the team attacking the loading bay. Ochako silently prayed for the other heroes, and for  Deku. 

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