19. Memories

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"Hi guys

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"Hi guys." I greet them with a bright smile on my bloody face which seemed to make them raise their eyebrows but soon they remember my job.

The Spanish lawyer stood up from the sofa, fixed his suit and then held out his hands for me to shake. He looked almost the same age as my uncle. His hair was nicely styled and his face was decorated with his black beard which didn't forget to accentuate his sharp jawline. His almond eyes held stormy grey orbs and a smaller black ball in between which kept changing it's shape due to the lighting. By looking at his body, I could tell he kept himself well and exercised when he felt it was necessary.

"Silvestre Gutierrez." He retrieves his hand when I don't shake them and goes back to sit on the sofa as I do the same and sit beside my uncle who was sitting on the sofa like a fucking boss. His hands were spread on the upper part of the sofa and his right leg was crossed on top of his left leg.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Gutierrez. I'm Zemira Vasilevitch and this is my uncle cum lawyer, Cassius Engstrom." I introduce ourselves as I get comfortable on the sofa, my face completely emotionless which didn't seem to bother the Spanish lawyer.

"Aren't y'all early, I'm mean I called you at 8 and right now, it's just-" I cut myself off when I check the time on the phone which was 9.30 pm. "Oops, I guess I'm late." I smile sheepishly as Silvestre chuckles and my dearest uncle looks at me with no emotion but I bet he was screaming inside that he wanted to sleep.

I keep my McDonalds paper bag and my purse on the black table after taking out my fries from the bag. I offer them to my uncle and the lawyer which they very politely refused by saying 'No, Thank you'.

"Do you have the agreement, Mr. Gutierrez?" I ask taking a bite from my fry as I lean on the sofa.

"Yes I do and please, I insist, call me Silvestre. You make me seem old by calling me by my surname, Zemira." I chuckle at his request while also stuffing my mouth with the delicious crispy golden fries. I have no shame.

"Sure will, Silvestre. Didn't you have to check whether that fucker was dead and all that before making the contract? You are putting a lot of trust in us by doing that, Silvestre." I raise my eyebrows, keeping my eye contact with the lawyer sitting in front of me in a black and white chair.

"I trust you because when that man called me to tell me that the 'fucker's' dead, I let out a breath I didn't even knew I was holding. Trust me, I was very much resisting myself from strangling him before you killed him. And, I did check Ruben's body before making the contract, Zemira. I may be in Mafia but I am a lawyer first, Reina." (Queen) Damn, I think that he just made it to my Top 5 favourite lawyers list. Wait, why do I have so many lawyers? Oh, I remember, because I'm a fucking Mafia leader who gets into more trouble than a teenager going to high school!

"Don't call me that, Silvestre." I chuckle at what he just said while also keeping the empty fries box back in the paper bag.

"You'll get used to it, Reina (Queen). You're now the Queen of 3 Mafias which makes you the most powerful. After signing this agreement, you will be on the top leaving your equal, the Italian Mafia, behind." My jaw clenches as memories of that night flood my head but I shake it off and give him a tight smile.

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