51. Nutella grabber

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"Oh sweet, honey ice tea!" Athena whistles, dropping herself down on the bed of the jet

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"Oh sweet, honey ice tea!" Athena whistles, dropping herself down on the bed of the jet.

A getaway. According to Athena, the trip to Devon was a getaway. Athena has a thousand getaways in one year. For her, Devon was a vacation. For me, it's an escape, escape from what's happening, escape from what's going happen, escape from what has happened. Though this trip to Devon was something I longed for, right now, when I'm sitting in this jet surrounded by people I get along with the most, it's feels like I'm running away from my responsibilities.

Biting my nails is something which people do during anxiety or when they are overthinking, but to me, it has always been something else. It was like a routine to me, bite my nails atleast ten times a day. Right now, when I'm vigorously biting my nails and shaking my legs, it is not at all a routine, it's the anxiety coming out through my actions.

I'm suddenly stopped from doing these actions.

Still in the same outfit, there was nothing of Canzone's body that could actually touch my skin. His hand on my thigh which just stopped my shaking was still a layer above the fabric covering them. His other hand was softly gripping my wrist which was covered with the white blazer and I raised my eyes to his as I stared at him, confused.

Like I said, there was nothing of him that could actually touch me, but, I still shuddered slightly from the warmth he passed me. Everything about him was cosy to me, be it the way his hands molded around me or the way he looked deep into me, patiently. Other than his family, I couldn't stop thinking about the way he kept me close, like I'm the one he wants with him the most.

"Everything will be alright." Despite knowing that was hardly the truth, I nod my head, a want in me to believe him.

The hands left my body the same way they came, a slight disruption from the collective snores in the jet. I raised myself from the seat, peeking back at the jet. Athena, Genevieve and Aillard slept on the bed inside and I was sure at some point Genevieve would kick Aillard off the bed. Saggio slept soundly on the recliner seat, a small smile on his face with the dream he was having and Ysabel slept in his lap, covered with the brown blanket. A light laugh leaves me.

"Wait till you look over there." Canzone whispers, motioning me to a different side of the jet.

Until now, I had never notice Cosima so close to my brother. Actually, I had never seen anyone so close to him, not only physically but also mentally. I had never seen him hug someone as tightly as Cosima, never seen him smile like a giraffe, never seen him be so cute. Cosima widely yawned as she snuggled more into Artur's chest, while Artur stirred a bit, rubbing her legs which were wrapped around his torso, sleeping in the seat.

Smiling, I turn back, returning to my neutral position. "I can't stop smiling. Help me!" I whisper, Canzone laughs quietly. Still madly smiling, I let myself melt in the blanket covering me, staring out at the night sky. It didn't feel like the jet was leaving anything behind, the clouds remained the same constant as they now and then let the moon show himself.

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