23. Ysabel with a Y

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I couldn't stop thinking about that night

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I couldn't stop thinking about that night. It had become a plague in my mind. That night was making me feel that I didn't deserve the title that had been passed on to a daughter who wasn't even blood. I did try my best to convince papa to make Athena the boss but both were stubborn. One saw potential in me and the other agreed because she thought that becoming the boss was tiring but becoming the right hand was not. Athena had always been carefree and lazy. She didn't like the idea of becoming the boss because they have a lot of work which is true but she did like the idea of becoming the underboss because they had less work to do. Yup, she's one in a million!

My thoughts went into the back of mind when Kaa hissed. She climbed onto my stomach which was half laid and half sitting. I took her into my hands kissed her on the forehead before getting up from the bed and going to the washroom with Kaa behind me. I brush my teeth and wash my face while Kaa just roams around the bathroom, hissing again and again and indirectly telling me that she was jealous of the bathroom's beauty. Still in my pyjamas, I pick Kaa up and we go downstairs to eat.

Upon entering the dining room, I see a little girl swinging her legs as she sat on the one of the seat with her Winnie the Pooh stuff toy, which looked like was having the worst time of his life. The little girl was squishing Winnie's cheeks like nothing lovely. How the heck will he eat honey now?!

I go near the girl with Kaa around my neck and crouch to her height. Her head shifts towards me and she stops the torture on Winnie. Her attention turns towards Kaa when Kaa hissed, smiling. The girl shifts backwards, scared by the snake around my neck.

"Hey, she won't hurt you. She's completely harmless. Wanna touch her?" I ask as my hand gos to hold hers. She hesitates but somewhat trusts me as she touches my hand which guides her hands to touch Kaa. She strokes Kaa's head who leans onto her warm touch. This sleepyhead might even sleep on her hand!

"See. Harmless." I say and she nods her head, letting out sweet giggles.

"What's your name, giggles?" I ask with a warm smile on my face. She looks at me with trust in her eyes and says, "Ysabel wif a Y." I release a hearty laugh when she say 'with a Y' with full sass. Her voice was very smooth and she looked very pretty. Her light brown eyes twinkled while she looked at me with those buttons we call eyes. Her cheeks were very bubbly and her full lips were a beautiful shade of pink.

"Hello Ysabel with a Y, I'm Zemira." I pinch her cheeks with my fingers making her release more sugary giggles.

"Hewo, Zemira." She switches glances between me and Kaa, trying to ask a question but was too embarrassed to ask it. "Here, take her." I pass Kaa to her and she grins widely, maybe because I gave her what she wanted. She took Kaa in her tiny soft hands and stroked Kaa's head which Kaa adored the most. Kaa once again leaned into her touch making Ysabel release a few giggles.

I was about to get up when suddenly, Yuri comes out of the kitchen with two plates in her hands. She bows as well as greets me as I greet her back with a 'Good morning' while she placed the plates on the table. I get up from my crouching position, help Ysabel get settled in her chair and go to the chair kept beside her. When Ysabel stops massaging Kaa, she climbs onto the table and lays down to sleep.

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