47. Seventh heaven

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Comfortable. Throughout my whole existence, the feeling of being comfortable has passed me a numerous times. Like a guest, it has stayed with me, made me smile but never remained forever with me. Being with myself is comfortable for me, laughing with my family is comfortable, playing with Kaa was comfortable but she left, leaving me to yearn for more comfort.

Finally, my yearning brought me what I needed but also what I didn't expect it to bring. Addiction. I was surrounded by it and the moment I said those words, I lived by it.

"Please me, Serpentello." (Snakelet)

With a gust of wind, I was pinned against the glass which was slowly turning milky white since Canzone accidentally turned the setting of the water to burning lava. My hands were also attached to the translucent glass, above my head, kept in position by my addiction's strong masculine inked hands.

My heart had already started pumping the blood like a runner on track, allowing adrenaline pass me as my chest heaved and my mouth opened, searching for air. All the while, my eyes could only focus on Canzone, observing and adoring his every move.

Frustration took over me, I was a total mess. My wet hair were slicked back by my hand while I waited for the taste of his lips to burst inside me, but they never came. My eyes which were close because of the rush, suddenly opened with the idea of searching where my pleasure had lost its way.

There was no need for searching. He stood right in front of me, hands raised to stop mine from becoming a block. His lips brushed mine as he stared into my restored soul through my eyes. Indirectly, he was telling me to have one thing I couldn't afford right now; Patience.

"As you wish, mio temerario." (My daredevil)

My chest still slightly rocked, the never-ending thuds of the music could still be heard, the slams of the water on our bodies never stopped and the taste of his minty breath with a pinch of vodka was something I never wished for, until today.

His pinning had already turned me on enough but who knew his Italian lilt whisper could make more room. Every inch of my body was wet while my core burned as he slowly crawled his lips to my neck. The passion, the crave, made my heart beat even louder as he softly traces his right hand on my cheek. The hand slowly plays with my lips and I struggle keeping my hands caged around his one strong hand.

The same hand's pinky finger starts to trace the bridge between my jaw and collar bone, Canzone's electric lips right on it's tail. The little sweet teasing pecks along with the feather like finger make me arch my neck and my mouth automatically widens to let out a breathy moan, joining the heavy breathing and the falling water.

He was taking his time, enjoying me till the night lasts. The burning water poured itself on our already heated bodies making no difference. The closed cube had gotten a lot heated, the milky white visible in the air and the glass. The touch of the cold glass against my back evened the hot water and another moan escaped my mouth, Canzone's lips peppering kisses on the crook of my neck.

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