36. Catfight and cat eyeliner

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A Month Later

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A Month Later...

No, I didn't have a glow up. I am the same Zemira just a tad bit colder. Okay, fine! I just killed 10 men in my pretty but scary basement which by the way is still dimly-lit and I just broke the world record of killing over 100 people in just a month. Anddd, my bodycount had also increased a little bit more. A lot, actually. I also got a bunch of piercings in both of my ears. That's not a glow up, right?!

"Phew!" Wiping the fake sweat of my face, a loud sigh escapes my mouth as I throw the gun back to the man standing beside me. That was a lot of work but it sure didn't work out. Not for the Mafia but it sure did for me. I LOVE SEEING BLOOD!

I was back at being the cold ass bitch I was before when I had just my family with me, no Kaa, no nothing.

Did I miss that snake? Fuck yes.

Did I miss seeing that girl? Yes, yes and yes.

But could I see them? No. Simple as that.

"You ready to go?" Athena asks when I enter the kitchen and catch her eating white sauce pasta. This bitch!

"Do I look ready to you? And what are you doing at my house, you lazy fuck? Give me my pasta, whore!" I knew it wasn't mine but...my house, my rules! I snatched the bowl from her hand and before we could start our cat fight, we heard the familiar heels clicking as they entered the kitchen. Shit, the law's here!

"Eto moya pasta, devochki-skauty." (That's my pasta, girl scouts.) Mama says, taking her hand out as I roll my eyes and keep it on her hands. A sharp smack landed on my head from her and I groaned, rubbing the area.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." She smacks Athena's head and she follows the same routine, groaning and rubbing. "Don't fight with your sister." Her rich Russian accent falls off her tongue and she exits the kitchen, leaving us hungry.

"THERE'S PIZZA IN THE OVEN." She shouts from the living room, meaning papa was watching Disney. He wants to go to Disneyland for his birthday, what do I do?

Give him the tickets, bitch! Maybe Mickey mouse crop tops!

We both run to oven after thanking mama, inwardly and start devouring the pizza. This is my fucking heaven, food! "Get ready after eating. Samolet uzhe gotov." (The jet's already ready.) That is a lot of ready. I say to Athena who throws the middle finger in my direction and I don't hesitate to show it back.

We were going to America today, for two reasons. One, surprise Genevieve because I haven't met her from the day of the ball, she left earlier than me due to some Mafia issues. And two, to kill the motherfucker who was busy fucking sluts while not giving me my money and drugs. 5. Million. Dollars. That was his debt and also drugs worth 2 fucking million. Now that's a issue I have to take care of.

After devouring the whole pizza and calling upon my fairy godmother to transform me into a cute freshly washed cow, I go to my room and decide to take a shower. The shower was a lot refreshing even though I just showered an hour ago. I got up from the bed at 3 in the afternoon today, did nothing the whole day except the killing at bed work since I did some very exhausting work.

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