.Chapter 1.

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Izuku runs over to the hidden spot Katsuki and him always meet up together at. climbs a little over the fence, and runs behind it, finding the small hidden cave that could fit about 2 10 year olds. he peeks his head in through the cave, looking for his bestfriend.

after a couple of seconds, his eyes meet with the Ruby ones in the center of the cave, sitting, clearly waiting on him. he hurries himself inside and sits next to the blonde-haired boy.

"So? Zuku? What were the results? What 'cha get?" Katsuki persists to him, and shakes his arm continually. Izuku laughs before starting.

"My quirk is called analysis, When I look at someone while it's activated, I instantly know a a bunch of things about them! It works with detective like cases, too!" Izuku explains to him.

Katsuki's silence makes Izuku's anxiety rise. What if he doesn't like it? What if he thinks they both can't be hero's together anymore? What if Kacchan left him for his quirk? What if they couldn't be the wonder duo the two both imagined?

Izuku pushes these thoughts to the back of his mind and labels it as "Last Scenario" type situations, and waits for his friend's opinion on his quirk.

"That. Is. So. COOL! we will be the best duo ever! You, can help in battles and also direct me in what to do next, and also what there quirk is incase we don't know it! and you can also help me predict what they'll do next so we can both stop him before he does!" Katsuki brainstorms himself, proably gaining onto Izuku unintentional mutterings.

The green-haired kid's smile instantly rises and those past thoughts now thrown into a mind junky, dump. He instantly hugs his bestfriend in a response. Katsuki hugs him right back.

"We'll be the best wonder duo-"

"-Anyone has ever imagined," he finishes the sentence, and the two release the hug for a small high five, before giggling themselves away.


Hisashi himself never questioned how Marasu and Mitsuki's relationship worked until now. One, really short-tempered, yell-e, and sort of rude when she wants to be. And the other, sweet, kind, gentle, and honest when he wants to be.

Maybe this is what people meant when they told him opposites attract. Sitting with the two of them is getting two different persona's of the same person. pretty amazing, but also confusing at the same time.

Him and Inko were never polar opposites, They nearly always agreed with each other, everyone said they act nearly like each other, and they never got into arguments. it was like the perfect relationship between the two. Hisashi never for a seconded doubted that she was his soulmate.

but now, that soulmate he was had is now gone, and all he can do is watch the other married and dating couples pass him by happily. all he can do is envy the fact that Marasu still has his wife, his soulmate, still with him on planet earth.

he pushed these thoughts to the back of his head like he knew his wife would do if she was in his position. he lets out a silent but deep sigh, and continues watching the couple in front of him converse.

"Ahh, Katsuki and Izuku are the cutest bestfriends I have ever seen in my life. they like, basically bonding brothers at this point," Mitsuki chuckles, and Hisashi nods, rolling his eyes.

"All I ever here at home is, 'Oh, Kacchan this, Kacchan that, Me and Kacchan did this and this and that,' I refuse to believe they haven't wore each others names out by now."

Marasu laughs, and says Katsuki does the same things at home.

"Hey, Izuku's been wanting to come over and watch the Lorax and over at your house. Do you mind he can ride to your house with you guys?" Hisashi asks slightly expecting a no.

"Of course he can! That kid is an angel, he can come over my house any time he wants. I love him like if he's my own kid!" Mitski exclaims, and his smile brightens.

"Well then, it's settled. I'll tell Izuku before we go get ice cream, and he can ride with you guys. I'll get Katsuki some too," Marasu nods, and waves him goodbye

"Izuku! Katsuki! You guys want ice cream now?!" Hisashi yells, searching for the two

"Yeah!" They both scream in unison, and suddenly appear in front of the white-haired man

"Then c'mon, shorties, and we'll go get ice cream at the stand over there," He points towards the Famous ice cream stand in there town, which is slightly unpacked at the moment.

The two grab each one of his hands, and the trio starts walking down the park's steps and to the ice cream stand.

Eventually, they reach there, and the two boys get Oreo, and Hisashi gets himself vanilla.

Izuku licks his ice cream, and his eyes almost immediately shoot up. "Mm, dad! This is so good!" He starts stuffing his face quickly.

"Izuku! Slow down! You'll choke if you eat to fast!" Katsuki shouts from beside him, and lowers the ice cream from his face

"Finee..you try it then, Kacchan! You'll see!"

Katsuki tries It, and like Izuku, his eyes brighten almost immediately.

"Oh holy guacamole! This is really good!" Katsuki says, and stuff his face again

Hisashi rolls his eyes and watched the two converse about ice cream. Izuku white hair and green highlights shining brightly even with the setting sun, and Katsuki's ice cream all around his mouth

"You two are something else, y'know that?" He asks them, coming and sitting next to his son

"Yeah! Because were the wonder duo!" Katsuki shouts proudly before doing the random handshake they made up in there tree house.

Hisashi sits there, on the verge of crying with laughter from that handshake. Never did he expect Katsuki to make a hand shake with his son.

"Either way, once your done, I have to take you back to your parents, and then Izuku you'll be riding with Katsuki to his house,"

"Really?! Kacchan, do you wanna watch The Lorax with me then?!"

"Duh! I wanna see the grandma!" Izuku furiously nods in agreement.

"I...*sigh*..okay. Auntie Mitski said you can watch the Lorax at her house anytime you want. So let's hurry on then," Hisashi says, and stands up, picking up the two boys.

"Onward, Father/Uncle!"

"Onward!" He shouts with them, and starts running forward

Word count: 1100

Right on the dot for word count today! And also, I was suppose to be at track today, but Jt was canceled because of the rain. :(

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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