.Chapter 34.

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The four sat in the car in silence. Present mic broke it just a minute after it started. "So..does anyone want to explain what happened? For example, why Midoriya ran into the forest after a villain attack with no adult-supervision?"

"The..uhm, villain that attacked us, he's uhh.." Shinsou stutters.

"He's my brother." Izuku, wanting to get this situation done and over with, said straightforward.


"The villain that attacked us is my brother."

"What the fuck..." he mutters under his breath. He pulled the car over to the side of the road, and turned around to look at the three. Shinsou has a nervous smile on his face, Bakugou with his 24/7 scowl, and Midoriya looking at him straight-up .

"So..how do you know this?"

"His name is Shimura-Midoriya or something like that, the exact same as mine. Holy shit, I'm gonna murder my dad." He whispers to the other two beside him, who nod in agreement.

"I'm..just gonna drop you guys off to the station, yeah? Talk to the detective about it. He'll investigate it for you guys." Present mic put his hands back onto the wheel, going back onto the street.

"I could just do it myself when I get there."

"What?" He says for what feels like the hundredth time that day.

"I thought I told you? Or did you forget?" Shinsou sighs

"Forget what?! Why am I always in the dark here?"

"I'm Tsukauchi's..intern. The Junior detective helping him twitch those cases n stuff?" Present Mic's face makes a large 'o'

"You solved Mt. Lady's murder case?!" He yells out, the three in the back thanking for it wasn't with his quirk; Present mic in full distress. Why is it always him that's being left in the dark? Did everyone else know this but him??

"I literally told you guys this..is your memory that bad or are you growing grey?"

"I'd prefer to say my memory is going bad. My hair is as golden as Rapunzel's once was, long, beautiful, and obviously, blonde."  The three boys cringed at the mention of that pre-quirk movie.

The car came to a halt, and Mic unlocked the doors. He turned to face the two.  "Good luck explaining this to Tsukauchi if he doesn't already know. You'll be in a handful." He chuckles.

"I'm always a handful, according to him. Even if I do half of his workload."

The three hop out of the car, closing the doors behind them. Present max drives off the minute they head into the building; the secetary greeting them as they come in.

"Ahh, Izuku! How nice to see you again, I thought you were suppose to be released early? Are you hurt? Something else-"

Izuku cuts her off from her concerned? ramble "Lisa! I swear I'm fine, we..just have to speak to Tsukauchi. Is he here right now?"

"That's a good question. I honestly don't know myself, cutie. He's always off and running somewhere at this point I don't even pay attention to him anymore."
Izuku deadpans.

"I could call his office...I suppose. Only because it's you, cutie. I really only use this phone to call my wife, not that addict in the back." Lisa picks up he phone and dials the number, it ringing a couple times before stopping.

She puts down the phone after talking to him, and nods. "He's back there, go on ahead."

Izuku drags the two to the hallway behind her desk, stopping at the door with a bold print on it. He opens it, not even bothering to knock.

"Jeez, Kid, do I need to teach you manners next or what? You've rubbed to much off of Lisa. That hag never knocks."

"Whatever, Old man, put your joking to aside for now. It's serious. About the USJ attack, you know..right?"

"Uhh..yeah, I do. I didn't go out there 'cause they got someone else. I didn't really feel like going, if I'm Being honest." He snorts

"Yeah, well, Uhm...we kind of have a small issue. Can you consider it a case?"

Tsukauchi frowns. He turns over. So his chair is more facing towards them. He sets his coffee mug down onto the desk and looks at the three.

"Please tell me nobody died."

"No, not that..uhm..it's more like the villain that attacked us is my brother."


The silence in the room was oddly loud and awkward. Now izuku really wished he could lie in the middle of a highway.


"The villain that attacked the USJ is his brother, dumbass! How many times to we have to fucking repeat that?!"

"Kacchan!" He hits the blonde's arm harshly and Katsuki retracts his, holding it close to him while scowling.

"What?! I'm telling the truth!"

"Okay..okay..your sending me more into distress the less you explain. Can somebody please explain before I call Sansa and have him tell me or whatever?"

"So basically, the villain that attacked us looked at Midoriya and went something like, 'oh an my real name? Tmora? T...T-something Shimura-Midoriya.' I can't remember it clearly." Shinsou terribly quoted

"It was Tomura, dumbass."

"What the fuck.."

"I know, right? I feel like lying in the middle of a highway right about now."

"I thought we were putting jokes aside."

"I would put you aside too then."

"Low blow, Midoriya. Low blow." Tsukauchi clutches his heart in a fake hurt, izuku rolling his eyes. He moves over to the behind the desk, going into the computer.

Shinsou and bakugou take two of the seats in front of the desk, both giving each other nervous looks and looking back at the other too occasionally.

"Your looking at record for Midoriya-Shimura's?"

"Yes. Me, Mom, dad, should've been the only Shimura-Midoriya's in Musutafu Japan. Clearly, we're not." When he presses search, the records of the three show, but no fourth one."

"Fuck this, I'm calling my dad. He better have a good damn explanation or I'm skinning him alive and have his head on a stick."

He grabs the phone, it almost falling off the desk with the force, and dials his dad's number. "These damned old ass phones, should've you have replaced these already?"

"Uhm..too much work?"

Izuku mutters something incoherent but clearly offensive under his breath, before his dad picks up the phone.

"We need to talk."

Word count: 1065

Bad news guys.. I have no excuse to get me out of this one other than school...and my lazy ass. 😄😄 enjoy.?

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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