.Chapter 28.

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Izuku hopes out of the car, Tsukauchi following suit. Together they walked over to the crime scene.

It was a lady, slumped against a drying machine, while it ran with clothes inside. Izuku looked to Tsukauchi fr details.

"An old lady, coming downstairs to do laundry a little while ago, found her body down here slumped against the dryer. She was questioned a while ago and her alibi checks out."

"Victim's name is April Johnson, 17 year old female who was babysitting a child for a family on the 12th floor. They decided to wait to question them until I got you here."

"Alrighty then.." izuku looks around the scene, already notching things. A bleach bottle, clearly dropped on the floor with a small dent in the side.

He crouches to get a closer look at the bottle.

"Do you think the killer used this? Maybe to knock her unconscious? I don't believe a bleach bottle was what killed her."

"No. We know so far that she had blunt force trauma to the back of her head, and multiple stabs wounds to her stomach."

"That's....Interesting." Izuku sighs, and standing back up. He and brushes off his pants. He turns back to Tsukauchi.

"Does this room have camera's inside?"

"No, only in the elevator. We had gotten footage of her going into the elevator and out, twice, probably to come back from getting the close. That's when we assume she was attacked."

"Can I see that footage?" Tsukauchi nods, and izuku follows him back over to a computer. It already has the camera footage uploaded on there.

Tsukauchi sits in the chair, and begins playing the video.

Izuku watches, and it's as Tsukauchi said. First time, she goes to the dryer with clothes, comes back, leaves, then comes back again, assumed to be getting the clothes back.

Izuku watches the video twice. Looking over what she was doing. Anything to notice at all. Her face, her phone, her movements, the details, the time-

Wait, the time. The time was different. Why would the time be different if she was going from the same place?He looked at Tsukauchi.

"Tsukauchi, why was the time different from her going on the elevator? The first time, she clearly got down there five seconds quicker."

"Your..right. She was suppose to be coming from the 12th floor. So why would it take her seconds extra to come from the 12th floor again?"

"I say we check it out. Obviously, the time from the 12th floor will be the same. We just have to figure out what floor she has to come from for there to be a five second difference."

"I believe the 15th floor, Izuku."

"Alright then, lets test that theory, yeah?" Tsukauchi nods in agreement, and the two of them head over to the elevator. Tsukauchi pulls out his phone, going to the stopwatch timer.

"Alright, ready?"

"Yeah, go ahead." Izuku presses the button to the 12th floor, the same time Tsukauchi starts the timer. He pauses the timer once they reach the 12th.

"Alright. Just about the same timing. Lets check the 15th now." Izuku goes to press the button, and Tsukauchi unpauses his timer. Once the elevator stops and opens again, tsukauchi stops his timer.

"Just about..the 5 second difference. We were right." Izuku nods. He presses the button back to the 12th floor. Tsukauchi looks at him lightly confused. "Why are we going to the 12th floor?"

"Because, I want to ask the family if they know anyone Ashley might've known from the 15th floor. Then we can get a apartment number and some answers."

The elevator opens again, and Izuku steps out, letting the older detective take the lead ahead of him, showing the way to the family's apartment.

Tsukauchi leads them to the aparment, and knocks lightly on the door. It unlocks, and on the other side is a woman with blonde hair, around 5'4, wearing muffle headphones. Izuku activates his quirk.

[ Esther Smith. ]
Age: 41 y/o
H/c: Blonde
Height: 5'4 1/2
Quirk: Enhance Hearing
Gives the user enhanced hearing, so things like a whisper will be almost like normal speaking level for her.

He turns on his quirk, and gives a smile to the woman. The woman gives a small one back. "Hello, deceive, and little detective. How may I service you?"

"Ah, hello, Mrs. Smith. My name is Tsukauchi an this is my student, he's a Junior detective in training. We would like to ask you some quick questions about April Johnson."

"Oh, of course, come right on in!" She opens her door wide, generously allowing the two inside. He smiles and nods gratefully, the two stepping inside. She takes a takes a seat onto the couch.

"Hello, ma'am. Sorry I have to keep this blunt, but I really have to finish this case up quickly. So where were you today at around 12:15 PM?" Izuku asks, pulling out his notebook to jot down some quick ideas.

"I was out at work. As you know, April was our babysitter. She would watch my baby, Eliza, from 9 to 5. That's how long I work."

"Alright..do you know anyone who lives along the 15th floor that April might've known or been visiting at all?"

"Uhm...there is this one girl, Claire Richards I believe, that also babysits for a family upstairs. I recall them being friends and often letting the kids play together at the park. Since it's still 1:45..I'm assuming she'd be at the park."

Izuku nods, and looks up towards the detective. He nods, and the two of them stand. Izuku gives a slight bow. "Thank you for your time, Mrs. Smith."

"Oh, no problem. Anything to help bring that poor girl's killer to light."

Izuku and Tsukauchi walk together out the room, waving the woman goodbye. Izuku turns to him, sighing.

"This is a lot of work. I have stuff to do y'know."

"Yeah, and so do I. Stop complaining, at least your out of school."

"This is basically fucking school you moron."

"Language, Izuku Midoriya!"

"Your not my mom!" He yells back, walking back over to the elevator. Tsukauchi groans in annoyance, following after to him.

Word count: 1041

People- when I read your comments I get so happy cause there either funny, sweet, or smth like that. I love y'all fr 💞

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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