.Chapter 24.

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Izuku Midoriya was bored.

Bored beyond belief.

He woke up a little while ago, specifically 9PM, and didnt want to disturb anybody, so he crept quietly down the steps and into the living room.

Only here, is where he realized Tsukauchi's had just about nothing to do in his home. Izuku didn't realize how bland the house was. To be a detective, with great money, his house is pretty bland.

Maybe he could get Tsukauchi to decorate it a bit.

Tomorrow, Izuku would be going to UA. Never could he be more excited. The only problem was..he was nervous as hell as what aizawa would say to Nezu about him. Maybe he slipped up. Did something wrong. Maybe he didn't take erasure down fast enough. Maybe he'll won't allow him through because he was a stupid mental quirk. Maybe-

"Izuku, your quirk isn't stupid. And I assure you that you did great. Aizawa—or whatever that old man's name was, wouldn't put a bad word in just because you have a mental quirk. If anything, he'd allow you in more."

Izuku looks up to the sudden voice, and sees Katsuki giving him a 'you-were-muttering-again' look. Izuku sighs, laying back on go the couch.

"I really thought I got rid of that muttering habit."

"Clearly not." He grunts, making izuku give him a sharp glare.

"Whatever. You think I could ask dad if we can spend one more night here? Tsukauchi's house is closer to UA and also his bed is very. Comfy."

"Go ahead. The coffee here is amazing."

"I honestly didn't take you for a coffee person."

"I go for more ice-coffee but whatever." Katsuki already goes to the kitchen, ready to make himself another ice-coffee.

"This is like, your 20th coffee. Are you sure your not an addict?"

"Positive. It's a just a phase, mom."

"Shut the hell up, and never do that again."

Katsuki scoffs. "Jeez, my bad, need a coffee to wake you up or something?"

"What you can do for me, is buy some melaquirkin, so I can go back to sleep. We still have school tomorrow and your already drinking a coffee."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Anyways, my dad also said he'll bring out uniforms and bags from our house before he leaves to work. He's got an early shift today,"

"When is that old man gonna retire? I don't know how he works at 4 in the fucking morning."

"Kacchan! Language please! And also I make sure he goes to bed at 8:30PM so he's not tired! So then he won't have to retire early."

"Yeah, you don't want him to retire early so you can brag that your father is the CEO of one of the largest companies in Japan."

"That's only the half-truth! He talks about how much he loves his job and yada yada yada, and also he makes good money."

"...That doesn't make it any better dumbass-"

"Yes It does!"

"Alright, Sherlock, whatever you say."

"I'm going back to bed. You have ruined the rest of my night."

"Go on ahead, I'll be drinking coffee till I get tired again." Izuku looks at him like if he said the dumbest thing ever. To which he did.

"Yeah..okay..have fun with that." Izuku starts his wake back up the steps, turning towards the guest bedroom. He closes the door behind him, not locking it for Katsuki.

He pulls out his phone, deciding to text the morons in his group chat.

Bigbrains: get your lazy asses online rn

3 users are now online

1887Eyebags: wtf do you want now

MsGoggles: I am in the middle of making a important baby, I will be back!

MsGoggles has went offline

MajorCopyCat: anyways yeah what Shinsou said wtf do you want

BigBrains: jeez my bad but I was bored and kacchan nor tsukauchi will get some fucking melatonin from the corner store

1887Eyebags: pull up i got some

MajorCopyCat: no surprise

BigBrains: gimmie the address then

1887Eyebags: hold on lemme ask my dad

MajorCopyCat: how the hell do you not know your address

BigBrains: that's the most disappointing thing I've heard from u yet

1887Eyebags: stfu addresses are the least important thing to remember

BigBrains: ok so what if u have to call the police? How tf are you gonna get them too you?

1887Eyebags: I'll just call u duh

BigBrains: goodnight I'm done with ur dumbass shit I'm going to bed

1887Eyebags: night night don't let the monama's bite

MajorCopyCat: stfu go to bed vampire

3 users have went offline

Izuku's throws his phone over to the charger, so it'll be plugged up in the morning. He lays on his stomach, facing the TV, and turns on a series called 'The Hollow'. (Def recommended one of my favorite shows)

After a while of watching the show, he eventually falls asleep, sleeping the rest of the night.

Tsukauchi quietly makes his way down the stairs, careful not to wake the kids up so quickly. He goes over to the kitchen, nearly tip-toeing, and grabs two pans from inside the cabinets.

Loudly, he starts banging them against eachother, walking closer to the couch "awake the fuck up, it's time for schoool!"

Izuku was just about to complain for five more minutes, before he shot up at the mention of school. He turned towards Tsukauchi, his eyes wide.

"What time is it."


"oh thank god."

Tsukauchi then walks up the stairs, still banging the pans as loud as ever to wake up Katsuki.

Izuku shoots up, grabbing his uniform, changing as quick as possible, washing and brushing his teeth. He finishes, and throws some waffles in the toaster.

Katsuki slowly comes down the steps, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He looks at izuku tiredly, who's making two fresh cups of coffee.

"You seem energetic today."

"just nervous. Maybe stressing. Maybe panicking. I don't know."

"You'll be alright. Now hand me that coffee!"

"Yes sir Katsuki!"

Word count: 1000

I haven't updated this story in so long - I apologize guys, I've been working on this chapter foreverrr with little to no ideas lol

But anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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