.Chapter 10.

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Izuku sits in the car, holding in any tears that are near spilling. He plays, 'ColorfulStage' on his phone, until he gets a text from the detective.

He swipes on the text, and taps on it, opening it up from him to read.

'Hey, kid. Arlo and his mother  said thank you for everything. Also wanted to check on you. After that case today, there's another one worth checking out.

Also, principal of UA, saw your work today. He wanted to meet you in person. He said himself, 'I find him interesting. I'd like the meet him in person if he has the chance,' so if your free sometime, I'll take you.'

That's where the text finished, and Izuku's frown turned into a large grin. The principal of UA wanted to me him?! Because he finds him interesting?! Izuku nearly lost it, and he quickly texted the detective back.

'Mhm! Of course! I'll ask my auntie, see if she can drop me off to you tomorrow. Thank you so much, detective!' He sends it, vibrating in his seat.

His phone beeps again, this time, from Katsuki.

'Yo, deku. I heard mom was in a rush to get over to your house. You good?'

He smiles, and texts back.

'Yeah I'm fine. I'm going over to stay at your house tonight. My dads mad, like really. Mad. Auntie Mitsuki's talkin to him'

'Oh. Ok. I'll be upstairs when u get here.'

To them, upstairs meant in the secret room uosstairs that the two decorated, and they slid an older Tv in there as well. Though.. there may be multiple cords running from inside, there parents know not to enter.

'Kay. Meet you there. I have some news to tell you btw. Got another unsolved case?'

'Yeah. Txt me when ur here. Bye'

Izuku left him on read after that, knowing It'll piss him off. He continued to smile eon excitement, completely forgetting about his auntie and father.


"What the hell is your problem, Hisashi?!" The woman hisses out angrily.

"That kid, just said he hated his own mother! The one we both know loved him with her life!" he shouts back at her

"Hisashi, he's a kid! He's been in his mothers shadow his whole life! Like if he only liked because hes a replica of his mother! Does that not concern you at all?!"

Hisashi stays silent, but snger still visible on his face.

"You need to learn, Hisashi. I know all you ever see in him in his mother. And I cannot lie, ever since she died, I believed the same way. But you have to learn that he's not your dead wife's living remains."

"But he is! He's Inko's child! He's all I have left of her! And him being the perfect imagine makes it worst for him and me! It's not like I'm not concerned, but still! That kid said he hated his own mother!"

"I would too, if only everyone thought of me as her! If I couldn't live a normal life without everyday being told the same things over, and over, and not compliments on myself. You have to put yourself in his shoes, sashi,"

He shifts his gaze elsewhere, mostly too the floor, refusing to make eye contact. Tears threaten to spill from his eyes.

He lets out a small tear, "I just couldn't understand how he could hate his own mother...she did so much for us and he use to miss her so much-" he sniffles, a few more tears falling.

"Even when he got his quirk, he was so happy it was based from his mother's ambitions and dreams. He's never been like this before..."

Mitsuki softens her look, and walks over to him, putting a hand in his shoulder. She sits down next to him.

"Hisashi, listen...he's growing up , and he's not going to be the same as before. He's maturing, and he has the right to be angry. You have to learn how to help him fix it." She says, and stands again, walking towards the door.

She puts her hand on it, before sighing, and looking back. "Izuku will be back tomorrow or the next day. I'll keep him till you collect your thoughts. I hope you've made an understanding,"

She exits the door, and Hisashi lays his head on the counter, softly crying. How could he be so wrong? How could he have been so angry at his son?

Oh, how he wished he could apologize too him just about now. How he could take back what he said. How harsh he was. What he did.

Maybe it was too late.


Mitsuki gets into the car, huffing. She looks back, to see a very smiley izuku. Her frown turns upwards.

"What are you so smiley about?" She says, and pulls out of the driveway.

"Uhm..I have to ask you a favor. Can you drop me off to the police station tomorrow?" Mitsuki gives him a confused look through the eyeglass.


"Because...I got a job as a assistant detective you could call it. I helped with a case, for abbot named Arlo with the detective yesterday, and he said the Principal of UA wanted to meet me..." he says, a large grin on his face.

Mitsuki reply's with a shocked one back. "Really? If your serious, than of course, Izuku! Congratulations!" she says smiling back at him

"Thanks, auntie..your the best!" He says, and hugs her arm, and she hugs him back.

"It's no problem, Izuku." She professed, and he beamed at her.

They drive back to auntie Mitsuki's house, where awaits a very impatient Bakugou and Marasu Katsuki wait for them to arrive back home.

Word count: 1000
And good day guys! How's your day been so far? Anyways, I hopes it's been great or at least good. Here's a music suggestion, Victorious, by Panic! At the disco or Boyfriend, by Dove Cameron. There both great songs!

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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