Chapter 39.

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Izuku didn't have relatively normal mornings anymore. Since All Might had borderline kidnapped him yesterday, he'd finally come to terms with the fact he'd never have a normal morning again. Everything from that day had been running rampant in his mind, questions that slowly came to him and quickly needed answers.

Why did he not know of his brother before? Why did his father keep this a secret from him so long? Like if things weren't going wrong enough. How was his mom's side killed, and what did Tenko..? Tomura..? have to do with it? And the biggest question of all—


Nothing seemed to go right in his life anymore. Well—if he was being realistic, nothing started going right since his quirk diagnosis. Or maybe the day he met Tsukauchi. He honestly didn't know, because every day is just waking up to another shit day of unexpected but expected events.

For, example, getting kidnapped by All Might to be told a life-changing secret that he could use against him to pursue dominance in Japan or take down the hero commission as they cannot afford to have his quirk discovered

. (Even though he really should, the bastard deserves to be out to flames and suffocate in as much smoke as he puts out when he does his stupid, childish, and idiotic transformations that would probably go a lot quicker if he wasn't in love with fan service.)

But—he digresses.

"Good morning, Midoriya!" and as much avoiding as he could do, Uraraka was like a pesky bee. It irked him (more than it probably should,) but what choice did he have?

"Good morning, Uraraka."

"How's it going? I heard All Might drag you into the teacher's lounge to talk about something yesterday. What was it?"

A secret, All Might had told him, and as wrong as he could make that sound to destroy him, he still had some morals and dignity. (all though small when it came to All Might. In honesty, the only reason why he was keeping this a secret was because he needed the information for blackmail.)

"It was nothing, I heard Iida was looking for you earlier. You might want to go find him. Keep him from searching?" Uraraka blinked. She looked at him up and down, as if inspecting him, nodded her head

(One thing, Izuku figured out, that becoming a Jr. Detective gave him a perk for quick lying on the spot. If this wasn't putting it to good use, had didn't know what was.)

"Alright. I'll see you later, Midoriya!" She skipped off, her head and hair bobbing as she walked. He could almost groan. Why was everything so lively and bubbly about her? At 7 AM?!

He let out a sigh, almost relieved she was gone. He sat at his desk, waiting for homeroom to begin. He was sure it wasn't going to be the regular homeroom, not just because the Big Three were coming, just because it never was normal. He let out another groan of anticipation.

He slid his headphones up to his ears, scrolling through his phone while he waited for class to start. Then, Shinsou walked over to him.

"Morning, Midoriya." He says, taking the seat next to him. Midoriya nods his head at him. For the next couple of moments, they sat in comfortable silence until Aizawa came rolling in.

He waddles in his bag, his usual frown facing towards the class. Izuku ignored it at this point honestly, Aizawa always seemed to either have a resting bitch face it a resting sad face. Either way, he was always tired and had a pissy attitude. No wonder he doesn't like Tsukauchi, the total opposite of the man.

But...if he could remember when he checked Aizawa files, isn't he married to one of the loudest men on the planet-

He shakes that thought out of his head and slides his headphones off of his ears. He was lucky enough that Aizawa managed to let him have them in the first place, he wouldn't push his luck by wearing them while he was about to talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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