.Chapter 9.

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Izuku watched as his phone rang, before hesitantly grabbing it. After a few more rings, he answered the phone.

"Izuku..? Hello? Is that you?"

"Yes, dad it's me..."

"Izuku! Where have you been! I know your not that sad over the notebook!"

"No..I'm just staying the night at a friends house,"

"Fine. But you better be home by 9PM tonight." Hisashi says, and he hangs up the phone.

Izuku sighs, putting his face into his hands. He really didn't want to leave. And especially not leave to go back to his father.

He rolled out of his spot, remembering he still had to visit the kid at the quirk doctor.

He grabs some of Tsukauchi's older clothes, and walks to the bathroom, quickly changing and washing his face.

He wears a pair of black jeans, a collar shirt and a black n'white flannel jacket.  He throws on his fully-black converse high tops, and walks downstairs again.

"Good morning, Izuku," Tsukauchi calls from in the kitchen.

"Morning, Detective,"

"Ready to go see Arlo? I heard from his mother he's been antsy to meet you all morning," Izuku laughed, and walked down the steps.

"Well, I can't wait to meet Arlo myself," tsukauchi nods, and then asks him,

"I never did ask..but what is your quirk?"

"Oh! It's analysis, I can see any description on anyone, or any form of cases. It gives me information on who they are, there quirk, and other things. And for cases, It gives me the whole ordeal on how It happened," Tsukauchi looks at him like he's a child sent from heaven.

Which he is.

"Oh. My.god. AND YOU DIDN'T SAY THIS EARLIER?!" Tsukauchi yelled in shock, izuku scratches the back of his neck.

"Uhm..sorry? I didn't think It was very important,"

"Not important?! Kid, you can become one of the greatest detectives in the world. Even better than me. I'm so glad I took you under my wing,"

Izuku eyes glimmer with slight tears, but he wipes them away before noticed. He quickly eats some of the cereal on the table.

"I wanna go see Arlo, and his first session is about to start, so onward, mate," The two of them walk out the door and onto Tsukauchi's motorcycle, (which was untold to izuku,) and road to the quirk counselor, Kymera. (Kai-Mer-a)

They reach there destination, and Izuku opens the car door, looking straight ahead at the building in front of him.

He notices a little kid in the window, a small little gap in between  his teeth as he smiles widely, waving at him through the window.

His smile brightens, and he hurries Tsukauchi out of the car. The two of them walk in, t ur hung the corner to the counselor's room.

Izuku opens the door, and there, he's met with two woman, one Arlo's mother, and the other Kymera.

"look! Mommy! It's Mr. Deku!" Arlo shouts happily, and runs up to Izuku. He gives a tight hug to his legs, and Izuku immediately hugs back.

"It's nice to meet you in person, Arlo," He kneels down, becoming eyes level with the kid. He nods his head aggressively.

"Mhm! And this is Ms. Kymera! She super nice, we've been working on my quirk all day!" He explains happily. And Izuku nods.

"That's great, buddy! So, can you tell me more about your quirk now?"

"Mhm! My quirk lets me see the strings on people, like a puppet! I can control the parts were string forms out of there body, and also make them see what I imagine!" He says happily, Izuku ruffles his hair.

"That's great, I'm proud of you. Your doing so good completing our mission, Arlo," he says, and Arlo stands proud, making Ann almighty impression.

"HA! HA! HA! PLUS ULTRA!" He shouts in a booking all night voice, and Tsukauchi covers his mouth, keeping him from bursting out laughing.

Izuku contained his laugh, swallowing It back. "That. Was. Amazing. Man, your one heck of a talented kid, huh?" He says, and smiles.

Izuku feels his phone vibrate in his pocket, and he frowns. He looks back towards the kid. "Hey..arlo. How about this. Have your mom text me the next time you wanna see me here, and I'll try and stop by, okay?"

Arlo nods, and runs back to his mom. Izuku stands, and takes his phone out of his pocket. tsukauchi gives him a concerned look.

He stands away from the door, standing on the other side, across from Tsukauchi.


"Kid, get back home. Now. I swear I'm not playing," he says threateningly.

"I-I will dad. Sorry. I was just-"

"I down want your damn excuses, Izuku. Just get home now!" He hisses through the phone, and hangs up .

Izuku closes his eyes, trying to hide the in coming tears. "Hey, Izuku? You alright?" Tsukauchi asks concerned, and he nods.

"Mhm, I have to get home. T-thanks for letting me stay, detective..." he says softly, and leaves, exiting the door.

Izuku quickly speed walks home, finding the counselor was only 7 minutes away. He opened his house's door, preparing for a screaming.

He opens his eyes, looking up , seeing his furious father. Izuku pulls his phone from behind him, texting Mitsuki and telling her to come help his dad.

"Who's house where you at, huh? Mitsuki says it wasn't hers. So who's was it?" He hisses out, anger lacing around his voice, filling the air with tension.

"I-It was just the detective, Dad. I helped him with a case today. A boy named Arlo, we accidentally used his quirk and-

"Cut the bullshit, Izuku! Why the hell would you go there?! Did you report that dammed notebook?!" He says angrily, and slams his hand into the table. Izuku flinches back.

"No, dad. I only stayed the night. I knew you were mad because of what I said in that diary," izuku mutters, and anger furrows his brows.

His eyes dart to the open window and watched as Mitsuki pulls into the driveway, and knocks onto the door. Izuku hurries opens it, revealing her face.

"Mitsuki?" He says, acting.

"Yeah? Izuku, Hisashi, what's going on here? What's wrong?"

"Izuku, here, decided it would be better to vent about concerning things in a stupid hook instead of his father! He said he hated his own mother!"

Mitsuki's frown gets larger, and she looks at izuku, her eyes begging for an explanation.

"I'm tired of being compared to her! All people ever see in me is her. 'Oh! you look like your mom!' 'Izuku, your perfect example of your mom,' that's all they ever see in me is her! I've never felt like I can be my own person!" Izuku yells, and Mitsuki hugs him.

She frowns in understanding, and looks up slightly disappointed.

"Hey, izuku, how about you go back an overnight bag, and go sit in the car for a minute. Me and 'Sashi need to have a quick talk," she whispers into his ear, and he nods, rubbing to his room.

He comes back out with a bag, and walks out the door, closing It behind him.

"We need to have a chat, Sashi,"

Word count: 1190

Hey, another chapter done! I honestly believe some of these views are from my other story that I said will have faster updates lol, but anyways, thanks!

And have a good rest of your day!

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