.Chapter 5.

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Izuku clutched his Blanket tightly, tears just quietly running down his face. He wipes his tears, and sits on his desk.

"You Can Not Be a Hero." Those words rang in his ears like loud bells. He couldn't just forget what the man said. He couldn't outside his dream of a hero.

What was he suppose to do? He spent his life training his quirk, studying analysis, sparring with Kacchan, Studying in forensic's and also detective ca-

That's when an idea sparked up in his mind, a detective! Maybe It was one of the best alternatives to a hero. All might said he couldn't, do he'll have to find some way to be something. And to prove all might wrong.

He will pass all might even if It doesn't mean, the number one hero. Hell just have to find some different way.

He may be able to be a detective, but many people still believe the police force is Useless. So if he joins, what if people believed he was more of a wimp than he thought?

What if people didn't accept him either way?

The feeling of utter uselessness never escaped his mind. He walked over to the bathroom, locking it behind him.

He turned off the bathroom lights, not to wake his father with another crying fit. Dramatic.

He leans against the wall, his back pressing harshly against it. He presses hardly against the bruise that he gained from the goo villain.

He cried silently in pain, before grabbing the small medkit from under the cabinet. He puts a saved ice pack on his bruise, and lays himself on the door.

He winces at the coldness of the icepack every copilot of minutes. Izuku stands, holding the icepack hardly on the bruise, and walks back towards his room.

Once he goes in, he sits on his desk, grabbing his 'Entry Journal' he liked to call It, but more like a diary journal.

'April, 17th, 2022.

Dear entry journal,
Today, most likely the most eventful day in my life. I couldn't put the way today went in words even if I tried too. Being denied as a hero, let alone also being attacked and not helped after, put some much more stress on my plate than I should deal with.

Or maybe that sounds mean. There's a lot of other people with more than I have. Jt was really only one incident. I've been recently over dramatic, like I can't get enough of having some sort of attack.

Jt makes me feel more wimpy than everyone and everything already makes me feel. It makes me feel like a baby I have to burden everyone with.

But either way, I meet another one of my idols, Tsukauchi, today. He's a really nice guy in person. And his secretary, Lisa, is very nice too. She seems very sweet.

Anyways, that's all I have for today. See ya tmr.'

He finished off the entry of the day, and closed his notebook, slightly relieved. He pulled out one of the "Unsolved Murder Case" games, that he extremely enjoys.

He always easily solves them, but they're extremely interesting and well thought out schemes. That's part of where he got his, 'Detective Dudes' idea with Katsuki.

Other than playing hero's, that's what the two played at the park. Now, izuku feels like he'd never be able to play hero's again without thinking of what happened today.

He closes his eyes and sigh, leaning back in the chair. Tonight was gonna be a long night. Maybe he should start learning how to make coffee.

Actually, smart idea. If he were to get a job at the local cafe, he could make some extra money to help his father. That marks one thing down for utter uselessness.

He could lay off Kacchan for a while, maybe give him some space. He probably doesn't like a extremely clingy Izuku, that marks down one more thing.

Also, he can finish some of his online courses he was thinking in starting, to lay off everyone in the house and stay more closed in his room.

That checks the spot. He opens his journal, and gets to writing his ideas. Until he gets a call, and he recognizes that number as Tsukauchi's on the card.

Why would Tsukauchi be calling him at this time of night?

Tsukauchi hangs up the phone, after giving all might the most heart-wrenching scolding he ever received. But just wait till he told Gran Torino.

He looks over to his computer, and decides to look up the kid's number again.

"Izuku Shimura-Midoriya
Number: (810) - *** -***"

He dials the number into his phone, and calls the boy, hoping that he'll answer. After a few rings, the boy answers, and Tsukauchi's grin widens.

"Hello? Tsukauchi?"

"Hey, kid. How are you?"

"I..I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm good, thanks, kid. Say, what's your name?" He asked, acting like he didn't already know.

"Izuku..Izuku Shimura-Midoriya, I thought you would've already known that?"

"Huh? Well what do you know. How'd you find out?"

"Well in order for you to get my number, and also seeing your calling through your work phone, you'd have to search for it because I never gave It to you earlier," he explains, nearly perfectly.

"Wow..your really smart, kid. What do you plan to be in the future?"

"Well..recently, my past dreams were basically denied," Izuku says, and chuckles through the phone.

"Oh..I'm sorry about that kid,"

"No, no, it's alright. I've decided in being a detective and until then working at the local café just down the block for my place. I've been studying in things for detective work recently so.."

Tsukauchi thinks through, and comes up with the bright idea. It's the least he can do for Izuku after him turning in a villain, being attacked, and his dreams being crushed,

"Hey, Shimura, what do you say that you come over to the station and work with me for a little after your cafe job or maybe the next day? I'd save Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and occasionally The weekend if you wanna stop by?"

"That..work perfectly, actually. Thank you so much for this, Tsukauchi!" He says happily through the phone.

Tsukauchi smiles at his brighten and cheery voice.

"That's great kid, and your welcome. It's the least I can do for you. Now I have to go to bed before I can't sleep tonight. I'll see you tomorrow if you stop by, alright?"

"Okay, bye, Tsukauchi! Have a good night."

"You two, Shimura."

"Hey..and also, just call me Izuku. Not Shimura,"

"Okay..Izuku. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, see you tomorrow," Tsukauchi hangs up the phone, and nearly slams his phone down and internally groans.

"I hope I won't regret that decision, that kid seems so sweet, he sighs, and sips from his coffee besides him.

Maybe he really won't regret it this time.

Word count: 1158

Hello guys, and another chapter completed for this story! I can't believe I'm giving this story faster updates than Yagi Twins lol..but still, probably because I'm more invested myself in this one.

But anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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