.Chapter 2.

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The two boys hop onto the couch and Katsuki grabs the remote sitting on the small table besides him

"Mom! Can you turn on the Lorax please?! We wanna watch the Lorax with popcorn!" Katsuki shouts over to the kitchen

Marasu makes the popcorn, and Mitsuki goes to turn on the Lorax for the kids. She presses 'Play' on the movie, and Katsuki rests his head on the back of the couch

Izuku lays himself of Katsuki's shoulder, and eats the popcorn with his other hand. "Hey, don't eat all the popcorn Zuku!" Katsuki hisses, and brings his hand away from the popcorn

"Fine.." Izuku grumbles, and turns his gaze back to the TV, where the mom is dancing about the different tree colors they own.

"I like how the the boy knows there's something wrong, he's so cool!"

"Mhm, and that's gonna be us!" Well know where danger is everywhere!" Katsuki says, and throws around some fake punches

Izuku laughs, and continues eating the half-gone popcorn.

Mitsuki always loved taking pictures. Her gallery in her phone was nearing max capacity, but she would get a new one just to take more photos with anyways.

She had millions of pictures of her, her small family, and also Izuku and Hisashi. Of course she would have pictures of izuku and Hisashi, why wouldn't she? They're basically family.

Ever since Inko passed away, she couldn't bear but me there for the poor duo. She always knew that Hisashi grieved by himself when he had the chance. And she's heard Katsuki comfort izuku in his room when they spoke about her.

Mitsuki always remembered her as a kind and very honorable woman, and her name was probably set in stone for many people to come forward. They use to go to I-Island with each other before, and she also introduced her to David Shields.

She always tries her hardest not to see Inko is Izuku's eyes, but sometimes, she can't help but see her best friend lie within him.

how she missed her best friend, she couldn't put into words.


Izuku was fast asleep on Katsuki's lap, and Katsuki was laying his head against the back of the couch. The Lorax was still playing the last 10 minutes of the show, and Marasu shut It off before It could end.

He brings the two boys to Katsuki's room, and sets Izuku on the top bunk, and Katsuki on the bottom.

Mitsuki forced Marasu to buy a bunk bed for Izuku when he stays, since he stays over very often. She claims it's her 'Obligation as a god mother to the dear child' And to be honest, Marasu couldn't disagree either.

After all, him and Hisashi have known each other for years, like Mitsuki and Inko. Maybe that's why they all got along with each other so well.

He remembers Inko perfectly, and she perfectly resembles izuku. Expect for the minty-ish colored hair that is.

Izuku is all the trio has left of Inko, so they've now all devoted there life's to helping whatever he and Katsuki wants to do.

Marasu swears on his life for Inko, the trio, and the children.

Katsuki wakes up, and groans slightly before sitting up. He pokes his head up only to see izuku isn't there.

"Zukkku! Where are you?" Katsuki calls out, and only gets silence in return

Katsuki wonders out of his bed, searching for his friend. He opens his bedroom door, and walks down the hallways.

He passed some rooms, checking inside, until he finally reaches the bathroom there, he sees Izuku laying against the second door that reaches the master bedroom.

Izuku lifts his head from his knees and looks at Katsuki, eyes swollen probably from crying, and nose nearly pink.

Katsuki goes inside, and quietly shuts the door behind him. He goes and sits next to his friend.


I-I.." izuku breaks into sobs again, and Katsuki hugs him

"I miss my mom..my quirk is what she liked to do. All I can think of is her, I miss her," Izuku cries out

For a few more minutes, Katsuki stays hugging the crying boy. Soon Mitsuki walks in, looking for the two

Her eyes widen in shock at the scene, and immediately rushes to there side.

"Katsuki? What's wrong with Izuku?" She asks nicely

"Izuku says he misses his mom, and his quirk is a lot like what she use to do," Katsuki explains to her, and looks right back and izuku again

And Izuku was right. His quirk is a lot like what his mother use to do. Mitsuki didn't know if she should be glad he knew that or not.

She went and hugged the other side of the boy, and gently rubbed circles on his back while he sobbed. Eventually, he calmed down, his eyes droopy against the two.

"Hey, Katsuki. How about we drop Izuku off at uncle Sashi's, and we ask if you can come and stay with him for tonight? How does that sound?" Katsuki nods, and let's go of izuku. He watches as his mother lifts him onto her back.

"Okay. Go get the keys and tell Marasu to start the car. I'll be down there in a moment,"

"Okay.." Katsuki runs down the steps and gets his father.

"Dad? Mom said starts the car,"

"Huh? Why? Where's she going?"

"Zuku is sad about his momma again, and I'm gonna ask uncle Sashi if I can stay with him," Marasu just nods, and starts the car.

Katsuki waits with his shoes and coat on, and a small all might blanket in his hands. Soon enough, Mitsuki comes down with a blanket on top of izuku with him on her back.

She grabs the boy's coat and shoes, and hurdles out the door into the car. Katsuki gets in the backseat and Mitsuki lays izuku besides him

Katsuki starts fiddling with his blanket, before grabbing his hidden nitendo out the backseat and watching the Lorax.

They reach uncle Sashi's house, and Katsuki notices him waiting on the porch. His mom probably told them they were coming.

Mitsuki parks the car in there driveway, and unbuckles herself and Katsuki. She grabs the sleeping izuku, and starts walking over to Hisashi.

"Hey, sashi."

"Another crying session, huh?" Mitski nods.

"He really does take his mother persistent crying habits.."

"Katsuki also wanted to ask you if he could stay with izuku for the night. I think he's worried," Mitsuki says, whispering the last part.

Hisashi nods in approval, and makes a way for Katsuki. The blonde one walks in, takes off his shoes, and runs away upstairs to Izuku's room, already knowing the whole house like the back of his hand.

Katsuki sits on the legendary erasure head covers, and raps himself in one. He grabs Izuku's TV remote and turns on dance moms.

Soon enough, a half-asleep Izuku walks through the door, eyes brightening when he sees Katsuki already sitting there. Izuku climbs on the beanbag besides the bed, and grabs a Midnight themed blanket, and watches dance moms with his bestfriend.


Word count: 1186

Hello, guys! happy Thursday! Or whatever day it is your reading this!. Hope your doing well today. I couldn't sleep, (Due to my insomnia,) so I decided to write another chapter for this story. I will proably release this story once I reach around 5-6 parts like I did for the Yagi twins? Hopefully.

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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