.Chapter 30.

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"Claire Richards, your under arrest for murder."

She looked shocked. Score she sighed, and gave a small smile. She put her hands up, letting go of the kid. Izuku goes and grabs the little.

"Oh well, I did what I needed to anyways." Her face still having a large smile on it. Izuku cringed. While Tsukauchi took the girl to the car, Izuku dropped the little league back of to her dad.

"Good days work, huh?" Izuku says to tsukauchi, patting his back.

"Yeah. I'm tired out now. I wanna go back home take a nice long nap."

"Yeah well so do I." The two of them go to the other car, the other policemen agreeing to drop the girl off to the station. The two of them drive back to Tsukauchi's house.

"I'll get someone else to question her. I'm done for today." He sighs, pulling into the driveway.

"Thanks for dropping me hope, Tsukauchi."

"Just call me Naomasa."

"Whatever you say, detective." He grabs his coat, standing up out of the car and closing the door. He waved Tsukauchi a final goodbye before walking into his house.

"I'm homeeee." He calls out, and his father looks over to him for the counter in the kitchen.

"Ah, hey, Izuku. How was school?"

"Good. I got pulled out early cause I had to do this case. It was pretty annoying if you ask me." Hisashi just chuckles.

"Yeah well, I'm making lunch. Alfredo today. Want some?" Izuku just nods, and walks over to the couch. He flops down on it, face first into once of the couch pillows.

"Was it hard?"

"Not really, just a girl killing another out of jealously. Like one of those cheesy books. But the girl was werid. She just had this cheesy grin on her face like if she had won."

"Well, people who do just about anything without remorse for love. But you'll catch all of them—or at least majority of them, right?"

"Yeah, after I take a nap. You know how hard it is dealing with Tsukauchi?"

"Mhm, Whatever. Just watch quirktube or whatever and go to sleep. I will continue drinking this coffee." His father says, going back over to the coffee machine for seconds? Thirds? Fourths?

Izuku takes his word, falling asleep right on the couch. His dad rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath, "I meant in your bedroom, but okay." And continues sipping on his coffee.

Time skip, next morning

"Izuku, wake up, you have school in like an hour thirty." Izuku groans, shifting away, but shoots up the instant he hears how much time he has.

"Dad?! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!" He complained, rushing to get up

"Don't you think I tried? You sleep like a damn rock. I couldn't get you to wake up no matter how hard I tried." He sighed

Izuku just rolls his eyes, and runs up to his room to change quickly. He comes back down stairs in a jogging-near spitting pace, grabbing a coffee already ready for him, and an apple.

"You taking the train or want me to drive you?"

"I'll take the train. It'll be there by the time I get there. Bye dad." He waves off, not even waiting for a response. He rushes out the door slamming it behind him, and he can mentally hear his dad's annoyed mutters.

Izuku chugs down his coffee, throwing away the cup in a nearby trashcan. He eats his apple while running towards the train station in hopes not to be late.

When he gets there, he runs into a familiar face from yesterday.

"Oh, hey Midoriya-kun, I didn't expect to see you today!" Izuku wanted to groan at the bubbly personality at 6:20 AM, but he didnt, a smiled instead.

"Hey..uhm, Uraraka, right? It's Nice seeing you here."

"Mhm!" she nods happily, the boy holds in a eye-roll. he then away from facing her, letting out a soft sigh before turning back. There train had got there just in time.

Izuku quickly got onto the train, and hid himself in the far back so Uraraka wouldn't see him. God, the least thing that anybody would wanna deal with is a bubbly personality at 6 in the morning. Of is that just izuku?

The end of the train ride comes quick, and izuku hops off quick, making sure not to end up walking with the girl. He quickens his pace, checking around him tk make sure she's not there.

He lets out a sigh of relief, and continues dragging his feet along to get to school. 'more like a hell house. Or a prison. I don't care, either way it's terrible.'

Izuku walks to he reaches the class 1-A door. He scans the room, only a few people there. He quickly moved to his desk, trying to avoid any social contact. Strictly with Iida.

After a couple minutes, everyone gets inside, sitting in there seats. The door creaks open quietly and enters in a yellow aizawa's again.

"What the fuck.." he hears someone mutters

"What did I get into when I thought of coming to UA..?"

"I'm never going to be used to this." The pink haired girl sighs dramatically, and aizawa clears his throught.

"Good morning, children. Today — for your heroics, I won't be teaching you. Today it will be -"

"I AM WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" A loud voice calls out, nearly breaking the damn door.

Izuku freezes. Anyone could recognize that voice from miles away. Everyone's smiles brighten, and shouts roses in the room, but izuku shrinks. Aizawa eyes him curiously.

"As I was saying...today I am not the one teaching heroics. It will be All might here." Izuku never wanted for the floor to open up and swallow him while more than right now.

All might eyes the room, than gives a sharp look at izuku for a while. He turns back to the class with his signature smile.

"All right class! Get your costumes on, and let's head out to the cityyyy!"

It's like the world is begging him to quit at this point.

Word count: 1031

And welcome to another chapter! How's your day going for you guys? I hope it's great. I have orientation for school tomorrow, so no chapter updates tmr.

Anyways, have a good rest of your day!

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